This morning fish
Submitted by tailor marc on Sat, 2007-07-21 11:16

Went down to our bream spot this morning. Using whole mulies with gangs we got into some nice bream. We got a total of 2 black bream and 2 silver bream. We fished from 7am till 9am All legal and FAT AS!!! All fish were released :) Here is a couple pics...
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Bream on ganged mulies. They
Bream on ganged mulies. They must have been hell-hungry.
Three days without it and I get a little jumpy
The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.
tailor marc
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Date Joined: 27/09/06
Thats what i was thinkin but
Thats what i was thinkin but they are fat as. Really healthy looking fish :)
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Were you chasing something else Tailor Marc?
They are very plump Bream! Never ever seen Black Bream on a gang before, I'm use to single hooks or snelled hooks. But very healthy fish indeed. What do you reckon they weigh? Looks a kilo plus Tailor Marc?
Cheers.. Jangles
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Yeah i would say over a
Yeah i would say over a kilo. They were about 30cm but plump as!
Pictures there dont do it justice on how fat they are
Iv tryed prawns/worms at this location for bait with no bites but if you flick a mulie out ...Bang its on trait away. Even the silver bream are big.
Plus using mulies you have a good chance of a morning mulla.
Rig im using is a running ball sinker gown to the gang of three
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tailor marc
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Had to go down again this
Caught it on my GB ugly stick and brand new made in usa penn 450ss with 5 pound line :shock:
And for the Honsu pose :wink:
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honsu chin
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lol....I think I know the
lol....I think I know the SPOT.....but I wont tell.... =)
**Oceanside = Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Shimano,Penn etc... ** Oceanside Tackle and Marine 364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA Ph# 9337 5682 Fishing/Boating/Dive/Marine ** OPEN 7 DAYS **
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I don't know the spot!!
Thats massive! On gangs again.. Geeezzz you manage to find the big fish!! I wanna catch Black Bream like that.. can you give me some tips Tailor Marc? Thanks mate!!!
All the best for your future fishing trips!!
Cheers.. Jangles
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Hi Jangles my suggestion is
Allways have very sharp hooks.
Went there again today and landed another thumper!!
released this one aswell, feels good to know they are still there getting bigger and breading more bream
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Nice work Mark such a nice
Looks 40cm to me about 1.3kg
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Should give lures a go next
Should give lures a go next time :)
Jay Burgess
honsu chin
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Awesome fish marc.....and on
Awesome fish marc.....and on the new outfit as well......with mulies and 3/0 werent targeting bream in the first place werent.....if so, must be something we dont know..... =)
**Oceanside = Strudwick,Daiwa,Van Staal,Jigmaster Rods, Shimano,Penn etc... ** Oceanside Tackle and Marine 364 South Street, O'Connor, Perth WA Ph# 9337 5682 Fishing/Boating/Dive/Marine ** OPEN 7 DAYS **
tailor marc
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Date Joined: 27/09/06
* Mike : Yes i would be safe
*Jay : Lures are a good idea, might try next time but there are loads of blowies so sp's might not be a good idea
* Thanks Hon su, That penn 4500 is working a treat i got off you blokes at oceanside! Just picked up the GB uglystick made in usa handcrafted in aust to match it. Mint fun on bream like this!
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love your choice of fishing
love your choice of fishing attire :P
Metrosexual Fishing... :P
hehehe pfffft im just jelaous ;)
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"Love your choice of fishing"
I think you can bring in the metrosexual fishing! AHAHA.. Nice tight shirt showing you guns and a pink rod with pink braid to match the rod. That will go alright with you rickets. AHAHAHHA
Cheers.. Jangles
Posts: 995
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you forgot to mention I only
you forgot to mention I only use pink lures and pink squidgies...
and a pink tackle bag and a pink car.
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AHAHAHAHA bloody hell mate, I'm cacking my pants so bad! I would of said that but I was to busy cacking my pants to mention all them. LMAO!!! I just need to know, do you have a feminine cast? AHAHAHHAHAHA!! Sorry mate, but I'm just cacking my pants!!!!
Cheers.. Jangles
Posts: 3356
Date Joined: 29/12/06
Good fish regardless
Good fish regardless mate.....well done from the not so secret spot! wink wink. hehehe
Keep it tight, reeeeeeel tight!
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Hahaha Thats a 2 yr old
Hahaha Thats a 2 yr old jumper that one. To old to wear out clubbin etc. Only good for fishin lol
Im fishing in a posh area and loads of HOT rich girls walkin past and stopping for chatt.
Have to make a good impression lol
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original teenage
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great fishes there
great fishes there mate......where did u get it from?????
the more u fish..the less stress u get....
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hahahahah yeah, you may look
yeah, you may look good but you smell like bait from the mulies rofl
try lures and sp's and some rexona and you may catch some different type of fish ;)
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Fishing posh areas hey Tailor Marc?
So need to impress the ladies that walk by hey? Once you pull out a fish they'll be all over you AHAHA! But yes, thats a good fish regardless. Londsdale jumpers do pull the chicks mate.. Ahmmm!!!
Cheers.. Jangles
Posts: 995
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haha hes gonna get his 3/0
haha hes gonna get his 3/0 gangs stuck into something else :o!
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Rickets mate, getting stuck into it mate! lol
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA bloody hell Rickets, I'm CACKING ME PANTS SO BAD on this one mate! LMAO HAHAHAHAHA... I'm afraid to say anything more than that cause I'll probable get a belting from Tailor Marc! I know your 3/0 gangs get unhansomely touched by "you know what" AHAHAHHA
Cheers.. Jangles
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dunno hey, those sunnies are
dunno hey, those sunnies are pretty chick killer too, you know what they say, when there's birds near the water, there is probably fish... well, who needs Spess's berley when he can attract "birds" with his lonsdale jumper and cool sunnies...... nice flock of chickies comes by and BAM! HE GANGS THEM in the MOUTH and leads them away smiling with his 5 pounder
Ok this has to stop its getting pretty sick lol sorry marc hahaha i couldnt help myself because Jangles likes jangling his 3" bass minnow.
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I rather my 3" bass minnows then 2'' grubs!!!
Yes Marc, I'm sorry about all this its all on Rickets! He started it. I rather have a 3" bass minnow then 2" grubs! LMAO... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I win....
Cheers.. Jangles
Posts: 995
Date Joined: 03/06/07
no dude, you dont win... on
no dude, you dont win...
on a serious note.....
check out Marc's last picture:
he has a big black rod in his mouth
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
* Rickets : Yeah i may smell
* Rickets : Yeah i may smell like mulies but thets when i tell them i will shower before sex lol
* Its all good guys lol I know how to take jokes ;)
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hahah no thats when you drop
hahah no thats when you drop the line, " Ahh I see my "natural" cologne has drawn you to me, hows about we go cook up a feast and settle down for the night"
whatever you do, dont say, "Ah well atleast people wont be suspicious of the smell on my fingers after Ive been with you"
tailor marc
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well you and I both know
tailor marc
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Yep they sure do, they
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haha! i know where your spot
haha! i know where your spot is ;)
tailor marc
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Pm me and i will tell ya if
Pm me and i will tell ya if you are right ;)
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so I cranked out google
so I cranked out google earth and did some calculations based on the sun in the photos and the surroundings and ive sent you a PM with my guess
Cant wait for your response lol
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Someone has alot of time on there hands!
You did all that just to know the spot? What funny one! AHAHAHAHA... Thats desperation to the end mate.
All the best for the future fishing trips!
Cheers.. Jangles
Posts: 995
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nah i just challenged
nah i just challenged myself, i was bored.... *snore*
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I know the spot, have had
I know the spot, have had some good flounder from there aswell on prawn, about 4-5 years ago. Some decent bream your pulling out.
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I know the spot too :P~
I know the spot too :P~
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
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* Dean : Will have to try
* Dean : Will have to try cranking out prawn for bait. Might have to try at night to avoid the blowies
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Hey marc, just curious, what
Hey marc, just curious, what time in proximity to the tides did you go?
tailor marc
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I went at low and high tides
I went at low and high tides Morning and arvo. Tides didnt seem to make a difference
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yeah but which way was the
yeah but which way was the tide running? thats what matters I think :P
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nicee oonee yu are a great
nicee oonee yu are a great fisheer