Quick Friday dive
Submitted by tiimmbo on Fri, 2013-01-25 14:29

Had a couple dives today to restock the freezer. Had some trouble with the electrics so no GPS or sounder today, still managed a bag of 8 though between us.
Posts: 276
Date Joined: 14/05/12
Nice haul mate. Couple of
Nice haul mate. Couple of good ones in there by the look.
What general area were you in?
Had a few dives rotto way but it was flooded with females either in berry or tarspot.
Posts: 695
Date Joined: 16/08/09
5fathom bank mate
5fathom bank mate
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Love the work Smitty, shark
Love the work Smitty, shark whisperer of the five fathom or dunsborough for that matter
Posts: 1132
Date Joined: 22/10/09
Nice work Tim, don't know
Nice work Tim, don't know about your carpentry skills though. Make sure you save a few for Exy.
Posts: 695
Date Joined: 16/08/09
That was some fine
That was some fine construction skills there, bit of wood from the salvage yard and a bunch of nails and brackets to make a tank holder, works a treat!! Will load the freezer now for exxy, cray rolls for lunch will go down a treat