Aron with a very healthy Albany Bronze whaler
Submitted by Chris fish on Thu, 2015-03-12 22:12

My brother Aron with a good bronzie from the other night, caught slidebaiting on a purgalss B extreme 13'6" rod, torium 50 reel with 24kg topshot and 200lb leader. footage of our sharks fishing adventures soon to come.....
always looking for a new challenge!!
Posts: 90
Date Joined: 14/08/10
Nice one! Few salmon in that stomach by the looks. Great night pic
Posts: 203
Date Joined: 08/06/13
great fish!
Would have pulled hard. Was it caught on salmon?
Posts: 71
Date Joined: 02/03/12
Quality catch and pic. Great
Quality catch and pic. Great stuff!
Let that reel scream!