27 meg radios
Submitted by piscetor on Fri, 2025-03-21 11:04
rockingham sea rescue are not activly monitering 27mghz radios now. they are running them in the back ground but are concentrating on the vhf channel, at least that was what i was told whilst trying to log on by the RSR after finally ringing them on the phone. 27MGHZ DON'T GO IN THE BIN UNTIL THE 1 OF SEPT 2028 so they should be given the same coverage as vhf's. There are still people using the 27 meg radios and as they are still ok to use it would be pretty sad for them if someone died due to a lack of coverage. Duty of care they are a rescue orginization so all possible tools should be employed instead of just some.
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Cockburn MR
Still monitor 27mhz but seriously as a MRC radio operator reception is crap unless your are reasonably close. I accept that if you log on as you leave the ramp and give reasonable details of where you are heading and time of return then we WILL come looking for you if you don't log off but if you need urgent assistance and your over perhaps 6nm out the chances of being heard on 27 are slim.
Posts: 457
Date Joined: 07/03/19
As RSR is a voluntary organisation....
if you dont like the way they operate, join them - get on the ececutive and change their procedures.
Duty of care starts with the boat user...... a duty to maintain safety equipment to the highest standards available.
27Mhz= 4 watts, AM transmission- noisy and static affected
VHF- 25 watts FM - usually clear and quiet................ and monitored 24/365
Rob H
Posts: 5829
Date Joined: 18/01/12
As well as monitored (or
As well as monitored (or should be) by every commercial vessel in Australian waters, domestic or foreign.
Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...
The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.
Everyone's just winging it.