500lb Blue Marlin on 30lb spin gear!!

Hey guys, I posted up quite a long report on an exmouth fishing trip with Josh from Onstrike that I just got back from (http://fishwrecked.com/forum/awesome-exmouth-trip) but was waiting on some footage / photos of a very unusual capture that happened right at the very end of the trip.

We had trolled for two days straight with 6 fish raised the day before on skirts but we werent able to land any which was fairly devastating. Josh changed tactics and left the heavy gear at home deciding to bring out the lighter spin gear and switched from skirts to some skipbaits with circles in hope of getting us a more solid hookup seeing as many of the black marlin the day before had been on the smaller side and just refused to commit to the strike properly. 

So again we trolled all day with high hopes, unfortunately the action from the day before was just not there. The whole ocean was buzzing with life and at times we where surrounded by bait schools and tuna bust ups the size of football fields. There just had to be some big predators lurking nearby, surely!!

Late afternoon approached and we decided 4:30 would be our cut off time to head in. Sure enough as 4:00pm approached we had a billfish appear in the spread, but it only toyed with the baits before vanishing into the deep. It just wasn't our day! Almost defeated as 4:30 ticked over Josh made the call to give it another 15 mins, just in case...

As we made our way into shallower water heading back to the ramp with our hopes fading it happened... in less than 50m of water right out from tantabiddi ramp the call of "Huge billfish, right rigger!!!!" rang out. We looked up to see a bill yet again playing lazily with the bait... this was it, our last chance! It took the bait and dissapeared, I grabbed the rod and started to reel - all of a sudden the drag started to sing and we where on, finally!! 

Here is Josh's explanation of the fight.

"At 4.45pm yesterday while fishing for juvenile black marlin we had a large fish up on the long rigger. The skipping gar was tracked for more than 30 seconds before the big fish lunged. This blue marlin is estimated to be around the 500lb mark, it took an hour on 15kg (30lb) tackle for us to get to the leader before we released her. We never had more than 100 metres of line out and was subdued on a spin reel, with a 130lb leader. We believe she was still actively feeding on other prey while we were fighting her! She was hooked in 48 metres of water with the water temp at 25.8c. Matt Wilson was the angler and Roger Toma took these amazing pics. Wade Carney grabbed the leader and set her on her way, stay tuned for a snippet of video."

A short clip of the big blue putting on a show:


It was such a surreal experience and if our size estimates are even close to accurate it was likely a new state record on 30lb, but I was a lot happier to see it swim off strong to fight another day.

A freakish once in a lifetime fish to find especially in so shallow and something I'll never forget. All thanks have to go to Josh from Onstrike for finding and helping me land this fish. Without his skippering expertise knowing where to position the boat at all times and talking me through how to play it I would of had no chance in landing such a monster on light gear so thanks again mate!!

Hope you guys enjoy the footage!!

(edit: Changed youtube link to new longer video!)

Matt T's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 12:39

Now that is awesome!

Both great reports mate, love the pics too!

Cardinal's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 12:57

 absolute awesome. great pics.

that remora is having the ride of its life!!!



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Stevo81's picture

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 Wow! What a mad trip boys.

Fri, 2013-06-14 13:40

 Wow! What a mad trip boys. Just shows how ya luck can change so quickly and a shit day can turn into an epic one in such a short time. I've had heaps of days where you think it's just of those days where your going home with nothing worthwhile and that last spot or last drift puts everyone onto fish. Persistence pays off again!


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crasny1's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 13:46

And yes that remora is sucking its head off to hold on.


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Browndog's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 14:27

Top effort, congrats.

soupster51's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 14:32

The blues go hard on any gear but on 30lb you've fished it extremely well to get to the leader. Fish of a lifetime.


The best reason for doing what's right today is tomorrow.

Cruise Control's picture

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Great Job.

Fri, 2013-06-14 15:17

Great Job.

opsrey's picture

Posts: 1200

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Top effort all around.

Fri, 2013-06-14 15:59

 So what was the spinner you used? 


Very good pics of the beast jumping. Vid was cool too.

Posts: 524

Date Joined: 31/01/13

 If catch on 30lb spin gear.

Fri, 2013-06-14 16:15

 Epic catch on 30lb spin gear. Top effort.


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Robbo88's picture

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 That looks awesome mate!

Fri, 2013-06-14 16:22

 That looks awesome mate! Great catch! You would have been pretty nervous knowing how light your gear was? 

We were at the ramp launching next to you guys getting on board on strike that morning. We also had a very slow day, but a bad day fishing is still better then a good day at work! 

catch.fish's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 16:57

Thanks man yeah I didn't realise just how big it was till the first jump after that I was stressing a bit! Was pretty worried about winding against the drag at all and creating line twist. Kept the drag light and just tried to play it as smooth as possible, back up on it with the boat whenever possible!

Was touch and go for a while when it dove deep and I got stuck with a lot of 'belly' line where the lines pointing down like the fish is under the boat when really the fish is way out in front!! Was pretty lucky it came to the surface for a big jump on its own and I was able to get some of that line back. 

Spot on mate, no such thing as a bad days fishing and the more time spent catching nothing just makes it all that much sweeter when you finally nail it!!

catch.fish's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 16:41

 Thanks for the comments guys, the reel used was a Stella 20k but we had to keep the drag set low running only 30lb line! Awesome spin setup.

FISH-ON's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 18:32

awesom trip!


Be patient and calm - for no one can catch fish in anger

MJ's picture

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Fri, 2013-06-14 18:41

Great work catch.fish!

Plus obviously some serious boat work by the skipper!


aalfred's picture

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wicked! well done!

Fri, 2013-06-14 19:00

wicked! well done!

Goatch's picture

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Balltearer of a fish

Fri, 2013-06-14 19:16

on 15kg mate , well done , Josh would have been pinging !!!!



Just one more cast , honest !!!  

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you wont believe this

Fri, 2013-06-14 22:04

about 25 years ago me and my mate were fishing behind rosemary island out of Dampier chasing mackys and my mate buzz hooked up with a marlin using a floated mulie it wasn't as big as the one in the pics on this thread but was a nice fish any way that swam away after it was released p.s the remora did a good job holding on to that marlin in the pics or was that the bait?????

Fish guts's picture

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sensational.... to see it

Fri, 2013-06-14 22:13

sensational.... to see it feed on other prey as you were fighting it would have been interesting to see. that feeling you get whilst fighting one of teh oceans greatest is second to none. well done. fantastic effort on teh light gear.


All men are equal before fish.... 

Wookiee's picture

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Sat, 2013-06-15 00:16

Fantastic capture. Congratulations!


Carpe Piscis

Mark Fogerty's picture

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Massive Effort!

Sat, 2013-06-15 12:46

 Wow guys what a great report! Great that you got these excellent pics to go with it! I guess thats why we like fishing it is sometime slow but when you have a good day you never forget that massive feeling! Congratulations to the whole team who made it all happen for you on the day.


 Boating Tragic!

milsey's picture

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Sat, 2013-06-15 13:25


TheJettyRat's picture

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Mon, 2013-06-17 08:43






The_Wanderer's picture

Posts: 735

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 30lb spin thats insane!!!

Mon, 2013-06-17 21:21

 30lb spin thats insane!!! Awesome effort well done