Abrolhos Baldies

Well we have just come back from a trip to the abrolhos islands and had a great time except for the wind blowing non-stop 24/7 at 35+ knots. Day one consisted mostly of snapper and day 2 was baldies and more baldies. 10+ landed for the day between pots. Anyway here is a few pics of what was kept for the camps.

P.S Sambo's are like blowfish up there and in shallow water were like torpedo's

[img_assist|fid=20429|thumb=0|alt=Baldies|caption=I was Happy]

looking4mulloway's picture

Posts: 101

Date Joined: 17/08/05


Thu, 2006-04-20 15:15

[img_assist|fid=20432|thumb=0|alt=Biggest for the day]

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Thu, 2006-04-20 15:42

Nice baldies there L4M they look like the shallow water specimens that pull like trains to me .
Where you handlining or using rods ??

Andy Mac's picture

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Prime Table Tucker!

Thu, 2006-04-20 15:53

They must have been great to catch in that depth. Shame about the weather, sounds like its been pretty awful for everyone (you, Adam, Scuttlebutt). My neighbour came back from Monkey Mia and said the wind was blowing a gale before Easter. Ah well planty of sheltered bays up at the Abrohlos. What island were you staying on?


Andy Mac



Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)

Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club

looking4mulloway's picture

Posts: 101

Date Joined: 17/08/05

Hey baglimitboy yes they

Thu, 2006-04-20 16:11

Hey baglimitboy yes they were the shallow water specimens was only about 3-4m deep and i was using a rod with 30 pound line got smoked a few times on some big sambo's.

Andy Mac. Hey the wind was the worst i have filmed in ever no doubt most of the sound is completley unusable. The island we were staying on was pigeon Island. I must say the people we stayed with could not have been more accomadating, Boiled crayfish sandwiches for lunch garlic crayfish for tea with deep fried baldy or snapper. We did it hard LOL.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Thu, 2006-04-20 16:49

Sounds like an awesome time. That is one thumper of a baldie!!!! No wonder you got such a big smile in the first photo. :)


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looking4mulloway's picture

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what i was shocked at was

Thu, 2006-04-20 18:10

what i was shocked at was that while skining the baldies/snapper we thru the skin over the side of jetty. to see 3-6 sambos take them for food they consider them pets so no fishing for em from the jetty.

Adam Gallash's picture

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Fri, 2006-04-21 20:05

I'm not suprised, they seem to be quite inquisitive fish. Hopefully they start eating the blowfish in the river, I'd be happy to go down there and hand feed them. :)


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Looks like ya had a good time!

Sat, 2006-04-22 13:16

Buschy's and My 'mate' didn't come a visiting you in 'pops hut' in th' night?
Used to wake me up an hour before 'start time' every day without fail!
Special kinda place, eh?
Get some good footage?
Whattaya think of K2?
Flight in and out is pretty specci eh?
Lizzards are friendly little bugga's, ain't they?
You try any trolling out behind second breaker in turtle bay? Saw a good size Marlin freejumping along a deep trench cuts in close there one day last season!
Any Spanish macs?
Any Tuna's?
Must be more to tell than your letting on - did you feel the whole island shake at 5 am when Ernie started up the twin Cats in Leviathon?
Kel sing any island songs?
Get up to the club for a couple quiet ones?
C'mon - a full status report reqd pls! - Or at least a 'sneak peek' at the footage! ;o)


looking4mulloway's picture

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Hey Flywest, A BIG thanx

Sat, 2006-04-22 14:03

Hey Flywest, A BIG thanx goes out to you for putting us in contact with Nat and Gretta. Two of the nicest people you could possibly meet. In regards to some of your questions let start with the footage side of thing. Nat and the deckie said that this was the worst weather they had seen at the islands for yrs. Sound wise im guessing pretty blown out (40kn winds) but visual footage couldnt be happier with a nice mixture came up. You were right have seen more sambo's than could imagine and just trying to get past them (to baldies/snapper etc) was a battle.

K2 Now what more can be said than WOW 2 30" surface pearcing props making the boat the fastest vessel on the islands and with a top speed of approx 46 knots i was highly impressed. The amount of water it moves is really amazing and unless seen hard to describe.

The flight in and out was amazing some of the best scenary you could possibly see. If you get a chance i highly reccomend to all. Pilots did a great job landing in such strong winds.

I learnt and listened closely to Nat about how to get the bigger baldies he knows his pots thats for sure. He could tell u what u would catch. No trolling was done.

The club was great each night a few drinks with new friends a game of pool what a trip. If only the wather had of been kind to us. But we hope to get back out there sometime soon.

Oh and Flywest we got to sign there visitors map im sure you know of it (only signed by film crew), Bushy Starlo etc.

Sneek peek of footage i havnt even seen it yet lol.

looking4mulloway's picture

Posts: 101

Date Joined: 17/08/05

Oh and also the toilets are

Sat, 2006-04-22 14:09

Oh and also the toilets are something special to see in the pic you will see how a toilet works via tidal flush hehe

Posts: 485

Date Joined: 04/02/06

Glad you had a good time!

Sun, 2006-04-23 00:35

Lottsa great memories - this is one of the first years in many that I haven't been back there (at least once!).
Wonderful people too!
Hard to get so excited about jiggin sambos after seeing em up so close n personal as pets eh? ;o)


I learnt and listened closely to Nat about how to get the bigger baldies he knows his pots thats for sure. He could tell u what u would catch.

Yes indeed, I've learned a awfull lot from this man, a debt that can never be adequately repaid! He used to wetline for cray bait out there as a kid, so knows intimately how (and where) to get each species! Kinda hard for any fish to hide with 3D Bathyscape Viewer Max Sea Pro eh? ;o)

Get any coral trout down past East Wallaby?...Try for the big taylor up at West Wallaby? Probably not if it was blowing! You reckon K2 is fast - you wanna see Nat in that lil dingy with his stack hat on, doing 60! ;o)

Truly amazing place - any sign of how the new resort is going on long island?
