Advice... Broken Cav Plate
Hey all,
Looking for a bit of advice.
I have a Southwind 655 which had a hydrofoil on the outboard when I bought it. The reading I did sugests the hulls were prone to porpoising and hence a lot of people put hydrofoils on. Anyway 6 years later and I just left it there as the boat's always handled well.
I noticed about a year ago that the cavitation plate had cracked right through, and basically broken off. It was only held on by the hydrofoil bolt. I had it welded up and it broke again within a few weeks. I assume that the hydrfoil is probably putting a far amount of flex on the plate and the weld wasnt strong enough. The attached picture shows what I mean (an example, not mine).
When climbing back in the boat after a dive on the weekend a boat went past smashing me with wake (good to see everyone keeping a distance with a dive flag up), and I grabed the hydrofoil to stop breaking my face on the boat and it broke off in my hand (had gone a bit brittle).
SO... Has anyone successfully had a cav plate welded up before? If I get it welded again, and scrap the hydrofoil, will it hold up? The boat seemed to handle ok with half of a hydrofoil so Im willing to give it a crack without one at all.
Or should I replace the hydrofoil along with the chunk of my cav plate?
Or... someone's no doubt going to tell me to replace the lower leg. :P
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18092
Date Joined: 11/03/08
i would try getting it
i would try getting it welded again and give it a go without the fins on it. you wont know until you try.if it breaks off you could still get back in . if it fails you would be better getting the leg replaced.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 174
Date Joined: 30/04/12
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Date Joined: 23/02/11
either that or change hydro
either that or change hydro foils -
get one that has bolts further back (see link below)- these you drill and bolt yourself (by the looks of it) so you could actually attach without re-welding the broken cav plate potentially