Again looking for HELP
Submitted by dale 308 on Sat, 2020-06-13 01:54
#1 first boat looking for ally 4.5 plus thought it would be a good starting point but that size there rare in an ally lots of fibreglass boat that size for a good price but im worried about damage being a first time boat owner budget is around 6-7k busselron based fishimg
#2 soundergps combo
Im a lowance fan been looking at the elite ti2 9inch but all i want is a good fish. Ground finder and gps any recommendations below the yhe 1500 mark would be appreciated hopefully fishing upto 60-70m mark.
Anyone that has any advice i greatly appreciate
Sea goat
Posts: 1001
Date Joined: 26/03/17
Hey mate. I'm definitely no
Hey mate. I'm definitely no expert, and not familiar with Busselton so dunno how far out u would be going to get to 60-70m, but I used to have a 5.4ally with a 90hp, and would only make it out the the 50s metro on really good days, so I would wonder if maybe going a bit bigger may be an option? The spots I used to go I would be pretty nervous in anything under 5m, but then again depends on experience and skill I guess.
Posts: 668
Date Joined: 28/11/16
From what I can see 70m mark
From what I can see 70m mark is about 40nm from busso
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18105
Date Joined: 11/03/08
For that sort of $ you
For that sort of $ you certainly wouldn't get much. If your thinking about going to them depths I wouldn't go any smaller than about 18 foot. Better to invest more coin .
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Pete F
Posts: 310
Date Joined: 07/01/18
It is a long run back if the
It is a long run back if the weather turns bad, just not safe to go that far in a small boat. Fishing that wide you need a good engine and boat. Might be better to do some charter fishing.
I fish a 4m offshore pick my days and stay within the safe limits of the boat to make back to port. 4-5nm about as far as i am willing to go in case I need to dash back.