Albany fishing trip - Picture-gasm

 Hey guys, just posting some photos from our fishing trip down to Albany on the weekend. My younger brother Cody, my mate Benjo and his friend Bully headed down on Friday and had the hottest session we've all ever experienced on the Saturday. Things started slow for us in the morning, with the rocks quite busy and guys next to us hooking up every cast using mulies for the first half an hour while our surface lures not even getting a touch. The amazing sight of 2 sambos getting landed in quick succession had us all amped then all hell broke loose. I landed the first salmon on a northcraft stickbait, then Benjo landed one on a live herring. I then hooked onto something that took a screaming run to the right then a nother run to the left, after more than a 5min fight we had a tuna in the net! High 5's and Woohoos from guys up the rocks, I was stoked with my first toona! Bully and Cody also landed tuna that day, along with around 50+ salmon between the four of us for the day. A solid 7 hour session of sore arms, salmon smashing surface lures, a YTK capture and some follwing lures, tuna that just about ripped the rods out of our hands, and the highlight for me, 2 salmon on the fly gear! The salmon ranged from 4-7kg and the tuna from 2-7kg.


Went back on Sunday but was pretty quiet on the Salmon front with Ben landing the only one for the morning. The swell was up and the breeze in our faces but the tuna action was hot! I think we landed about 5 or 6, with a couple more spitting the lures. Cody and I had a crazy double hookup standing on the same rock and another one of Codys just about spooled him with only a couple cranks of backing left on the reel he still managed to land the fish!


We had a blast and I can see us heading down there every year from now!



scottland's picture

Posts: 3040

Date Joined: 10/05/10

Haha sambos and tuna

Mon, 2012-04-30 10:19

 You would be happy with that on a boat 

Well done fellas


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

milsey's picture

Posts: 1462

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 Thats Redic, Well done mate.

Mon, 2012-04-30 10:49

 Thats Redic, Well done mate. Love the last few shots.

How did the gopro footage turn out? would have been a few singing reels.

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Mon, 2012-04-30 10:46

plenty of LB action there, you blokes look like you had a ball

cuthbad's picture

Posts: 1266

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Some top LB fishing there

Mon, 2012-04-30 10:58

Some top LB fishing there guys and awesome pics!

Cheers for the report

dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

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That's awesomeGreat work guys

Mon, 2012-04-30 11:01

That's awesome

Great work guys


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

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siiick pics

Mon, 2012-04-30 11:06

Siiiick pics but have to say it, thats a dirty moe bro!


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grantarctic1's picture

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Mon, 2012-04-30 11:09

Awsome report and pictures Beau, what a trip you guy's had.

Nice job on the fly rod i'm yet to get one on fly , must have been tricky to land them on the rocks.

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

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My fingers got absolutely

Mon, 2012-04-30 17:48

My fingers got absolutely smashed Grant, was well worth it though


terboz123's picture

Posts: 1358

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nice fish, nice photos good

Mon, 2012-04-30 11:23

nice fish, nice photos good weekend had by the sounds of it....dunno about the jacket though....:P


 a hard days fishing still beats work

PGFC member

GCGFC member

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The Jacket? I think the dirty

Mon, 2012-04-30 12:18

The Jacket? I think the dirty mo' is more of a problem !!


Great pics mate, thanks for sharing

Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

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4th pic from bottom is an

Mon, 2012-04-30 11:40

4th pic from bottom is an absolute ball tearer! Sick write up, sick pics

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Great session and thanks for

Mon, 2012-04-30 11:50

Great session and thanks for the pics!


Posts: 440

Date Joined: 27/07/09

 What an epic session , might

Mon, 2012-04-30 12:03

 What an epic session , might go down on my week off , awsome pics as well

TROOPY's picture

Posts: 162

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looks like a bloody nice

Mon, 2012-04-30 12:38

looks like a bloody nice session, gotta be happy with that.

awesome job and great pics too.


1 from the beach is worth 10 from a boat

jus's picture

Posts: 164

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great read and pics...def

Mon, 2012-04-30 12:47

great read and pics...def agree with lamby on the pic - awesome!

SamC's picture

Posts: 2013

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Mon, 2012-04-30 12:53

Looks like good fun Beau.

The Salmon on the spring scales is a gooood fish!




whipasswaverunner's picture

Posts: 181

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Awesome action guys

Mon, 2012-04-30 12:58

Well done, was this all at Cheynes?

Wet Dreams's picture

Posts: 105

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 Awesome report and pics, and

Mon, 2012-04-30 13:04

 Awesome report and pics, and even better fishing! Would of been a blast on the lighter tackle with all the fish landed.


Mind the smell, ive been fishing!

big john's picture

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Mon, 2012-04-30 13:12

Great session beaumonde!


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

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Would the salmon still be

Mon, 2012-04-30 13:31

Would the salmon still be there in a weeks time? Having exams now and really itching to catch my 1st salmon.

Posts: 12

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 great stuff lads, awesome

Mon, 2012-04-30 15:23

 great stuff lads, awesome pics. gotta be happy with that lot. 

claymore's picture

Posts: 225

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cracking post beau

Mon, 2012-04-30 15:29

cracking post beau

ca11um's picture

Posts: 335

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 Sick report mate, would have

Mon, 2012-04-30 15:48

 Sick report mate, would have been a hell of a lot of fun!!!

Posts: 180

Date Joined: 11/10/11

a few nice pics there ,good

Mon, 2012-04-30 16:59

a few nice pics there ,good report




Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

salmon on fly

Mon, 2012-04-30 17:03

salmon on a fly that must have been a hoot

chookc's picture

Posts: 442

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what was all the line and

Mon, 2012-04-30 17:26

what was all the line and stuff in that fishes mouth.....

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

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That was the salmon I caught

Mon, 2012-04-30 17:35

That was the salmon I caught on fly chook


aalfred's picture

Posts: 669

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Nice report and sick pics!

Mon, 2012-04-30 17:33

Nice report and sick pics! Landbased tuna is something special!!

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Thanks for all the love guys,

Mon, 2012-04-30 17:46

Thanks for all the love guys, definitely makes it worthwhile resizing and uploading to photobucket then copying and pasting all the codes when you get comments like this, realy appreciate it.

We realy did have a fun time on our first fishing trip away from home, it was better than we all expected.

The gopro footage is okay, could have been better if it wasn't so overcast. I'll be putting a clip together next time I'm home so you guys will have to wait a couple weeks!


tailor marc's picture

Posts: 2979

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Well done guys!! Stay same on

Mon, 2012-04-30 17:54

Well done guys!! Stay same on them rocks


My photography pictures...



chris raff's picture

Posts: 3257

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Amazing action Guys

Mon, 2012-04-30 18:08

For the first trip away , you certainly hit the honey pot...thats full on, those rocks look a little slippery and adventurous.. great : love the salmon release " fly be free "


Intelligence is like a four-wheel drive. It only allows you to get stuck in more remote places.”

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Quality catch cobba

Mon, 2012-04-30 18:16

Where abouts In Albany is this ? Your post has inspired me to get down there ASAP 

grayzeee's picture

Posts: 2283

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well done fellas kudos on the

Mon, 2012-04-30 18:19

well done fellas

kudos on the dirty mo.

I'm loving the 3rd pic up from bottom with rock backdrop.   fantastic


If I spent half as long fishing , as I do reading this bloody forum , I'd be twice the fisherman I am. 

CURT's picture

Posts: 338

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Nice mate

Mon, 2012-04-30 19:06

Some great fish

flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

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That mo is a landing

Mon, 2012-04-30 19:20

That mo is a landing net!  bet ben just grabbed you by the ankles and lowered you down to net a fish with your mo. 

Put up the picture of the super whacky rubber troller :D


beau's picture

Posts: 4109

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Haha flange! Didnt get any

Mon, 2012-04-30 19:45

Haha flange! Didnt get any photos, just video, you'll have to wait!

Can you post the salmon fishing level 99 picture haha! Or any of those pearlers you made, they are all quite fitting!


flangies's picture

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Mon, 2012-04-30 20:00


beau's picture

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Mon, 2012-04-30 20:12



scottland's picture

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Mon, 2012-04-30 20:17

 Very good


i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

JohnF's picture

Posts: 2839

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Beau, TOP stuff. Great

Mon, 2012-04-30 19:22

Beau, TOP stuff. Great report!


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

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Class Beau. Class.

Mon, 2012-04-30 19:35

Class Beau. Class.

Goatlobster's picture

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Mon, 2012-04-30 19:36

haha your mo is getting as much attention as the fish shelby! hahaha classic pity you shaved it today. salmon level back to 6. Now, we all know why sunday was a quite day, some lobster head bought 3 bananas in the fishing bucket on sundee didnt he. lesson learnt! Hahaha flangies i think it was really a disguise to hide the salmon whisperes real identity!! such a surreal session

Goatlobster's picture

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 that super wacky rubber

Mon, 2012-04-30 19:38

 that super wacky rubber troller got inihilated as soon as it hit the water to beaus suprise flangies! caught him off guard.. nek minnit.. PING!

Posts: 11

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Some awsome fish

Mon, 2012-05-07 16:09

Well done .Nice Report

DazSamFishing's picture

Posts: 1518

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 Yep mintox beau

Mon, 2012-04-30 20:51

 Yep mintox beau

benno208's picture

Posts: 47

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Holy shit !! now thats one

Thu, 2012-05-03 10:06

Holy shit !! now thats one hell of a post... Well done, awsome trip.

Goatch's picture

Posts: 1011

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Great report

Mon, 2012-05-07 06:52

and some balltearer pics , man don't those stripes light em up from the stones ....


Just one more cast , honest !!!  

Erin's picture

Posts: 42

Date Joined: 30/01/10

Nice work

Sun, 2012-05-13 11:54

Nice report mate, just got back from fishing the same spot. Had an awsum time and got plenty of fish. Even saw a good sized shark mackeral landed by another fishwrecked member, bit of a surprise capture!

uncle's picture

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Sun, 2012-05-13 13:13

great pics and great fish


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

old salt's picture

Posts: 133

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 magic! Im kinda alitle

Sat, 2012-05-19 22:23

 magic! Im kinda alitle jealous right now old salt misses his salmon. A class report Beau


I fish to feed

Fillet and release when applicable

thebrett's picture

Posts: 190

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 were all these photos taken

Sun, 2012-05-20 14:02

 were all these photos taken from a gopro camera??

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Haha no! Canon 7D. I'm

Sun, 2012-05-20 18:47

Haha no! Canon 7D.
I'm currently editing all the gopro footage now, the clip is killer!


hanzo's picture

Posts: 70

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very nice

Mon, 2012-10-01 21:31

welldone guys

bradzino's picture

Posts: 153

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good fun on the light stuff dude

Sat, 2012-10-06 16:57

Stop eating your rods though man...

Awesome stuff- solid fish on light gear is the way to go bud.

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Haha alot of rods were eaten

Sat, 2012-10-06 18:05

Haha alot of rods were eaten that day. Gee I havent looked at these pics for a while, bloody big smile on my face, we had such a good time, can't wait for next year!


beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Heres the video from the

Sat, 2012-10-06 18:15

Heres the video from the first day...


Ashram's picture

Posts: 134

Date Joined: 23/10/09

Thanks Beau

Sat, 2012-10-06 20:46

Bloody excellent write up and quality pics to boot.



Posts: 31

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Sat, 2012-10-06 20:56

wow looks great down there!!! i went down a few weeks back but had no luck with the bigger stuff! only a few decent skippy

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

4251 views GEEZUS! I should

Sat, 2013-01-12 21:01

4251 views GEEZUS!

I should have shaved..


Chris fish's picture

Posts: 847

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 Not long now before they

Sat, 2013-01-12 21:58

 Not long now before they show up again. You back again this year??? If so let me know and I'll come for a look if I'm not at dirk hartog.


always looking for a new challenge!!

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

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Yeah plan is to come back

Sun, 2013-01-13 05:56

Yeah plan is to come back around the same time. Let me know when they really start running again


beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Hope this gets everyone

Wed, 2013-03-27 13:28

Hope this gets everyone pumped for this season!

Good luck to everyone heading south!


dale 308's picture

Posts: 156

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what rocks was this off

Wed, 2013-03-27 14:29

what rocks was this off heading down in a couple weeks hope the fishing is this good