Albany report

G'day All,


Headed down to Albany again hoping to get one of the large pinkys that i had seen on a few southern fishing forums.So on Saturday me and the brother in law set out our spot about 20mins drive from albany and headed out to the usual spots only 10mins from the ramp.First drop and the in law engaged the lever  and straight away yelled "im snagged" then "hang on im on".After battling to get the fish off the bottom we were calling it for a good queen snapper when a big pinky came into veiw.He was stoked with his first big pink at 85cm.


After that we moved around for the morning and i tried using some jigs.I caught plenty og different species but mostly crap /sargent baker wrasse and a coupe of big swallowtail.after that the fish seemed to go off the bite so on the way back in stopped over the weed banks fro a squid.Only got one but it was a stonker!



One other thing..The brother inlaw did manage to get a couple of pinky spines in his foot.At the time he didnt mention it so we carried on planning to head out on Sunday.Needless to say the next day hes foot was swollen and he was in a lot of pain.Off to Hospital and they put him on anti biotics.On monday it was still not improving so back to hospital for a local anesthetic and they cut his heal open and removed a couple of small pieces.Reckons it was the most painfull injury hes ever had.(This coming from someone who has broken his kneecap)Bloody nasty things,They must have a really powerfull bacteria in them.Has anyone else had similar stories?




UncutTriggerInWA's picture

Posts: 2692

Date Joined: 05/09/08

Great report

Wed, 2009-03-04 11:45

Albany is a dangerous place LOL. I fished with Dreamweaver and got my finger chomped on by a Morey Eel!!!!!

I don't know about Pinkey spines but I have had several Cobler spikes in the foot and boy; do I understand the pain your brother inlaw has endured.

Cheers, Vince


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roberta's picture

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Yes Bobs had cobbler spikes

Wed, 2009-03-04 11:54

and blue bottle sting (brown vinegar worked) nice pinkie, I've only caught legal size love to get a big one.  That squid is enormous, going crabbing tomorrow, boats fueled, then hopefully catch some squid (freezer empty) grandkids are moaning Poppie no squid.

Love going cobblering get some stonkers in Leeman on high tide, old fart out with tillie lamp, bucket & gidgie half full of woopbler (home made wine) yelling out Bertie lost another big b@#$d, me on the beach getting eaten by mossie's, dog getting wet barking at Bob.  Good fun. 


SPEWIE LEWIE (not for much longer)

Cockburn Power Boat Member


Ginger Tablets Rock


Colin Hay's picture

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Date Joined: 23/10/07

Top stuff Chris

Wed, 2009-03-04 12:19

That will teach your in-law for catching the biggest fish (Lol). I can imagine how painful that would be. Like Vince I have had urchin spines in my foot.

Make sure you check it out


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Jezza's picture

Posts: 184

Date Joined: 25/01/08

awsome work chris, that

Wed, 2009-03-04 13:11

awsome work chris, that squid is a great size

Posts: 88

Date Joined: 22/10/08

great squid

Wed, 2009-03-04 20:12

nice sqiud and good pinky

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Well done

Thu, 2009-03-05 08:53

Well done Chris and that squidly is a stonka.


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