angling club

 just wondering if anyone is a member of ocean reef angling club? i am thinking of trying to join. i would like to know what kind of comps they hold and of any percs there are of joing a club? also the cost?


 Beats working!!!!!!

Belly Fish's picture

Posts: 499

Date Joined: 09/03/12

Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club

Tue, 2013-01-29 09:42

I've been in the Ocean Reef Sea Sports Club for a number of years and can give you a brief run down.

Firstly, we are a very active fishing club and run two boat fishing competitions a month.  One is generally on the first on Saturday of the month (which is regarded as our primary boat competition), and then other the week after on a Sunday (pitched at members who work Saturdays, although obviously anyone can go in it).  The Saturday competitions would generally have around 40 members sign-on, with the Sunday events somewhat less.

We also run a beach fishing competition once every two months (there are moves to change this to monthly as well).  These are “go anywhere” events and start at 6am Saturday with a weigh-in back at the club on the Sunday at 3pm.  Popular spots that members fish are Wedge, Ledge, Jurien, S Bend, Port Gregory, Wagoe etc.  Although you can drive to your spot before the start time, the weigh-in time is fixed so the more travelling involved the less fishing time.  Beach events often have around 30 competitors.

All our competitions are species based, and have been so for over 20 years.  We like to think we are promoting sustainable fishing.  What this means is that only one of a species can be weighed, with additional points if it’s the biggest in your category (i.e. Men’s, Juniors etc.).

We also put teams in the State events if you're interested, but not everyone is.  ORSSC is the reigning individual and teams champions for the last State Beach and Rock Titles….see

We do away trips as well to Jurien (boat and beach), Lancelin (boat), Wedge (beach), Wagoe (beach) etc.  We are running our March boat fishing competition in Jurien on the Labor Day long weekend, and have done so for many years.  This is always a highlight.

Our club has around 750 member families (i.e. all the family are included in the membership), but it's not full.  New members are welcome.  Cost may seem expensive, but remember this does include use of ocean side premises with great views, play equipment for children, no fees for competitions, compressor for filling dive tanks and much more.  Also includes access to all sections (Angling, Diving, Sailing, Power Boating, Social).  Single membership $232 and family membership $385.

There is so much more, but if you are at all interested I’d recommend you come down to our boat fishing weigh-in this Saturday – weather is looking beautiful – and introduce yourself to one of the guys doing the weigh-in.  We also have a meeting the following Wednesday at 8pm in the main bar area of the club.

Happy to discuss further if you have any questions.


thebmac's picture

Posts: 51

Date Joined: 15/12/12

 thanks for the info. i'm

Tue, 2013-01-29 22:10

 thanks for the info. i'm pretty keen on it all. as usuall i just have to convince the missus. wish me luck!


 Beats working!!!!!!

Belly88's picture

Posts: 380

Date Joined: 08/02/12

Plus 1

Wed, 2013-01-30 08:04

 Plus one for the Club.. Been a member since I was born. Love the competitions and can't beat the cheap booze and food they have to offer also.. Can't really add to much more then my old boy did as he has pretty much sumed it all up, but like he said feel free to come down to the boat fishing weigh in 4pm Saturday. Bring the misses and kids there is a great play ground for the little ones and all the wine the misses could ever want.. Come say G'day to me, you can't miss me I'm the one running the weigh in with a heap of tattoos and stupid holes in my ears.  I'm also happy to help with any other info..

Also if your really keen we welcome visitors in our comps so they can get a feel for them.. If you think you might want to enter on Saturday give me a call and I'll happly give you a run down on all the rules and what not..


Good luck convincing the misses, I've even got mine working it the bar and restaurant now :-).


Cheers Belly.. 0419041483..

thebmac's picture

Posts: 51

Date Joined: 15/12/12

 definatly interested in the

Thu, 2013-01-31 19:07

 definatly interested in the comps but heading to mandurah this weekend. hopefully we land few fiah. i will definatly pop down at some stage in the next few weeks. 


 Beats working!!!!!!

Lucky Last Cast's picture

Posts: 81

Date Joined: 25/10/12

 Can't wait till you come up

Thu, 2013-01-31 22:16

 Can't wait till you come up to Jurien for you fishing comp in March. We used to enter the Swan fish but it is now too far to travel from Jurien to Perth when some of the best fishing spots are right here on our own doorstep! 

We will make sure we come down and see your catch as well as introduce ourselves to you!

Tight lines


 You always know its going to be a good cast when U say "Lucky Last Cast" especially when ur in Jurien Bay! Call now to book your fishing charter on 0427 282 625

or visit for more info

Belly Fish's picture

Posts: 499

Date Joined: 09/03/12


Fri, 2013-02-01 17:37

Great, look forward to it.  I have a house in Jurien so spend a fair bit of time fishing there.  For the long weekend, most of our guys stay at the Apex huts, which is where we hold the weigh-in.

Lucky Last Cast's picture

Posts: 81

Date Joined: 25/10/12

 Sounds good.Just let us know

Thu, 2013-02-07 20:38

 Sounds good.

Just let us know closer to the date. And we will be there!


 You always know its going to be a good cast when U say "Lucky Last Cast" especially when ur in Jurien Bay! Call now to book your fishing charter on 0427 282 625

or visit for more info

big john's picture

Posts: 8768

Date Joined: 20/07/06


Thu, 2013-10-10 20:56

thebmac, did you end up joining?

Is it worth the bang for the buck, membership subs look alright but the nomination fees up there.

How hard is it to get a hardstand spot, is there a long waiting list?


WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.

Jigs available online in my web store!

Belly Fish's picture

Posts: 499

Date Joined: 09/03/12

Hard Stand

Thu, 2013-10-10 22:58

I heard just the other day that there were a couple of Hard Stand spots, but it's generally close to full.  Give the office a call and they should be able to tell you.

We have our mid month Sunday competition (boat and beach) this weekend (13th Oct) so if anyone is keen to come down for the weigh-in you are more than welcome.  Weather is looking pretty good.

BTW, since my last post, we also won the Men's Individual and Teams State Boat Fishing Championships.  In the past, this has been pretty much dominated by the Marmion Angling and Aquatic Club (MAAC), but we got their measure this year.  Full results here:

Also, there is one time during the year when nomination fees are half price....but I really shouldn't be publicly saying that :-)  PM me if you're interested.