Another 2 stroke question

 Howdy all

can I have people's thoughts and don't say get a 4 stroke because that's a while away.

I can spend all day on water fishing moving around to spots turning motor off boat starts all the time

but I find if I keep motor on and drift after about 30mins or so motor will cut out and then it will take a while to get it going again, can anyone enlighten me as to why this happens if worst comes to worst I won't drift and have motor going but I think i should  be able too, I have a 1990 90 hP v4 2 stroke evinrude any thoughts would be appreciated. Cheers Darryl 




"If we all fish for the future now there will be fish in the future"

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 Sounds like it is just

Sun, 2016-04-17 13:38

 Sounds like it is just oiling up the plugs which shorts out the spark.

At idle the engine is running slow and cool which allows the oil residue to build up...if you keep doing this for extended periods you could eventually glaze the boars and you will loose compression / power.

No engine likes to idle for long can do more harm than good.

Is there any reason why you leave it running while you drift ?



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

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Spot on

Sun, 2016-04-17 13:54

 Yep Krusty is on the money

Scotte's picture

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 Is that  not what  the

Sun, 2016-04-17 17:12

 Is that  not what  the thermostats  do ? Keep the engine in the peak temp range? I dunno whats worse too many heat cycles on the block and heads starter wear etc from stopping and starting the motor 100 times  a day or extra hours on the engine?


Krusty's picture

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 Yea they do but they run

Mon, 2016-04-18 18:24

 Yea they do but they run right at the bottom end of the optimum temp range so the result is the spark plug running quite cool which allows the oil to gradually build up and fowl the plug eventually which is what is happening here.

Late model two strokes are better and less susceptible to this as they are fuel injected and the comuter runs them at a much leaner air/fuel mixture. 



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

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 Cheers krustyi was thinking

Sun, 2016-04-17 13:55

 Cheers krusty

i was thinking it was something like that at low idle I will just stop motor from now on unless near reefs I honestly don't know why I leave it on its a new boat to me still learning about what it can and can't do thanx 



"If we all fish for the future now there will be fish in the future"

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 No worries at all...Enjoy

Sun, 2016-04-17 14:17

 No worries at all...Enjoy your new rig mate 



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

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 Thanx m8 Just got to sort

Sun, 2016-04-17 14:53

 Thanx m8 Just got to sort out batteries not charging and tach not going either then it will be sweet cheers



"If we all fish for the future now there will be fish in the future"

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Sun, 2016-04-17 15:46

 If you have no tach and no charge there is a big chance your rectifier is dead.

dakka's picture

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 Do you know if that an easy

Sun, 2016-04-17 16:28

 Do you know if that an easy job to do  crano easy to get to on motor cheers



"If we all fish for the future now there will be fish in the future"

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Sun, 2016-04-17 16:50

 I have done a couple[long time ago] and they are not hard.The second one I did I got a 25 amp bridge rectifier which is a very common item in the electronics world and adapted the connections. I remember at the time johnson had an 85 a 115 and 140 which were all the same motor but the price of the same item went up as you went to a bigger motor.

dakka's picture

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 Is the rectifier under the

Sun, 2016-04-17 17:24

 Is the rectifier under the flywheel m8 



"If we all fish for the future now there will be fish in the future"

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 yes it is mate, very easy

Fri, 2016-05-27 20:42

 yes it is mate, very easy job to do. (you may have already done)