another joke
Theres this lion in the Sahara and hes sitting under a tree on a hot normal sahara day. He does this day in day out when one day he gets up and thinks to himself "im bored of this, what can i do" He then thinks that he should cruise around and just make sure everone knows hes the boss around here.
He walks off and comes across a monkey. "Rooooooooar" he says "Whos the king of the jungle" the monkey replies "oh you are sir, youre the king of the jungle" Thats good the lion thought, he knows the rules.
Further down the way he meets up with a giraffe. "rooooooar whos the king of the jungle" The giraffe replies "oh you are for sure my king"
Well the lion thought seems nearly all the small and tall animals around know the go, I might a well head off home.
On his way back he comes across a bull elephant. He thinks might as well try him as well! "rooooooooar whos the king of the jungle" With one look the elephant picks the lion up with his trunk, spins him around in the air 3 times, bashes him up and down on the ground 4 times before throwing over a hundred metres into a prickle bush!
The lion gets up shakes himself clean and yells.
"Dont have to get pissed off cause you dont know the answer mate, Shit them elephants must be dumb!"
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
Beer joke
Three executives from beer companies (VB, Tooheys and Coopers) were having lunch, waitress came and took their drink orders. VB Exec orders a VB and Tooheys Exec orders a Tooheys extra dry, Waitress then looks at the Coopers exec and he say's "I'll have a diet coke thanks". The other two execs look at him in astonishment and the Coopers Exec says to them, "well if you guys are'nt drinking beer neither will I"!!
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