Anybody catching Macks around GI, 5 Fathom, South side of Rotto or around the reefs West End of Rotto?
Submitted by Grooveepants on Sat, 2011-04-02 19:00
Thinking of heading out for a troll but can't be bothered with the punishment of heading to the FADS again. Like the idea of getting into some Macks but don't want to drive up to Mindarie. Anyone heard of them being caught out from Woodmans point around Garden Island, 5 fathom, Stragglers, South side of Rotto or the reefs on the western point of Rotto?
Do you ever get them in deep water (30-50m) or is it always in around 20m?
Luke R
Posts: 401
Date Joined: 03/01/09
give stragglers a good troll,
give stragglers a good troll, there has been quite a number of fish there. If you don't have any luck concetrate on rotto, do a troll im 15-20m along the south side, if you don't get anything go out deeper 20-30 mts. There is alot of fish around at the moment but they arn't agressive so you really need to put the lures right in front of them. If you find bait balls make sure you do a few passes on them. Also use light 69-86lb singlestrand wire, the lighter you fish the better your hookup rate
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Trolled rear of FFB for three hours
Found some great dive spots in 27 metres if the sounder is to be believed - very very little weed but not a sniff either on deep or shallow lures - gave it away bored, went out looking for fish on the sounder, found a tiny flare up, dropped baits and foul hooked a western king wrasse, filleted it and dropped the carcass and one fillet down - hooked up on both rods immediately landing a 98cm male dhu and loosing the other fish ..........ten minute fish for a feed for the next month - special !!
Posts: 21
Date Joined: 19/03/11
had good success over the 30mtr contours in 40-50 mtrs aprox 16-20nm from rocko. 2 and 5 mtr lures seem to produce most in that area
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 20/02/11
Was a bunch in 22m on the
Was a bunch in 22m on the south side of rotto on sunday. Mostly swimming close to the bottom. Heard the fish at west end were also hugging the bottom on weekend.
Posts: 669
Date Joined: 02/03/09
Went out yesterday arvo 20m
Went out yesterday arvo 20m behind ffb no luck tried the front off 5fb but too much weedight try behind stragglers or off point perron next weather permitting might try rotto again. Been out 5 times for maks this year and still no luck. When do they usually start heading north on a normal year???
Play hard fish harder
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 20/02/11
In a "normal" year we get
In a "normal" year we get them until late june / july in the metro area, not sure they will bite on line for all that time but they are there. Normally the bigger fish show up later in the season.