Anybody go for a demersal bash out of two rocks today?
Submitted by beeroclock on Sat, 2015-05-23 16:47
Im going out of there early tomorrow, any reports/ tips on where you found some fish, Im happy to share any good info on here with other fishwreckers after ive been out there tomorrow cheers dave
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
mid 40,s is were ive been
mid 40,s is were ive been doing well, i like to head north of marina.
ill be launching around 6.30am might see ya out there,
good luck
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
yeh gilly a few weeks back you said on here you were doing well
in the 40's so i took your advice and we cleaned up - was awesome - bagged out early had to send a couple of size dhuies back down though we were more in a WNW position out there , when i hit that area again the following weekend only got a nice pinky. Gonna hit that area again first tomorrow, if slow gonna head north of there so will prob see ya cheers for the good advice last time and good luck to you as well will watch out for a few shots of ya with big fish next week! cheers dave
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
How did ya go bud. We
How did ya go bud. We managed 4 baldies big flatty 2 cuttlefish and released 3 dhus and a snapper all sized
Posts: 749
Date Joined: 22/08/12
Did great i put a report up
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Although cuttlefish is great
Although cuttlefish is great bait, I recommend eating it. We got one on Friday night (took a paternoster rig.....), I cooked it up as a we had it as a stirfry, excellent!
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Posts: 574
Date Joined: 24/04/11
We fished WNW of the marina. Grabbed 4 baldies and released a few. Quite a few small dhus (one size that was released OK).
Had one very friendly boater decide to drive over from a few mile away and stop about 70m from us and drop his lines.
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 13/01/13
Couple of cuttlefish as well...
Fished west of two rocks. Totally smoked by my first hook up. Couple of dhuies and a baldy in the esky. Had a ball jigging tailor (and the odd nor west bolt cutter) out of 40m on the way back in.
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