Black Hole blanks Jigging and Popping

G'day Fish Wrecked Mates,


Anyone had personal experience with Bushido & or Black Hole blanks?

Manufacturers promotional adverts are exactly that, their view.

Wherea, my view is that self promotion is not a  recomendation.

I like to get first hand information based on operator use/experience.

Have a couple of Phenix Hybrid blanks custom made & most impressed.

Thought I'd go another brand for jigging & popper rods.

Intended use WA's  GREAT coast line down south then up along your GREAT coast  & around to Darwin.

Any suggestions welcome if you have personal experience using your brand recomendation.

All personal experience opinions appreciated.



Addicted to SW fishing as a journey of discovery, friendships, knowledge & pleasure, along with an

obligation to protect our oceans & environment.