Bluewater Metro Fishing Report 07/07/2017
Submitted by Bluewater on Fri, 2017-07-07 16:18
Fishing Report
Fishing Report Friday 7th of July 2017

Customer Tom with a solid pinkie
When the wind, rain and swell came so did the snapper. Plenty of reports of success this week from the land based crews fishing the beaches and rock walls alike. Anglers having most success have been taking advantage of the often-staggering numbers of herring and using them as live bait.
The snapper reports from the boaties have been hit and miss, but when the snapper have been ‘on’, fish having been coming on board in quick succession. As long as the barometer is not dropping the fish have seemed hungry and aggressive, taking anything from unweighted baits to plastics in the berley trail. Most fish have come from 5-20m of water up and down the coast with the three-mile off HiIlarys being a hotspot for the boys at Morley. Joondalup staff member Dan and mates, Nick and Scotty, also fished the back edge of the Five Fathom behind Garden and got into a few at dusk on Tuesday. The by-catch at the moment is sensational as well with monster sambos, dhus, breaksea cod, some huge skippy and yellowtail kings. There have also been plenty of small sharks around. Just remember if you going to keep one for a feed to dress and bleed it as best as possible to keep up its eating quality. Further offshore the demersals have continued to fire with a lot of big dhufish being caught up and down the metro coast.

Staff member Dan and mate Nick with some respectable fish
Cephalopods abound. Staff member Hon-su went for a land based squid sesh during the week in rare wind free and sunny break in the weather. He fished from Coogee to North Mole and managed to land 7 squid and 11 cuttlefish. He also recons he dropped a monster cuttlefish at North Mole……….photos or it didn’t happen mate! In all fairness now is the time of year when huge cuttlefish start appearing seemingly everywhere. It’s often the case that a soft plastic you drop on a ‘dhuie’ lump will come up with a v shaped slice bitten out of it or in some cases you even hook and land one of the monsters. Those anchored up for snapper will also often get a squid, a cuttly or even an occy latch on to their baits that end up being part of the bag. By boat or by land plenty of anglers are managing a tasty bag of southern calamari and more and more reports suggest that part of that bag is also being made up of arrow squid, especially in deeper waters in the Cockburn Sound. Matching squid jig colours to the conditions have been the key to success so if you are unsure of what jig to choose make sure you pop into your nearest Bluewater for advice.

An average size squid from Hon-su’s mission

Staff member Pete also got into the squid this week
There are plenty of tuna around at the moment with southern blues running rampant south of Rotto and yellowfin popping up from the 30 metre mark and deeper and being more concentrated the further north you go. Trolling lures, and casting metals and stickbaits has been the undoing of both species.
Bream fishing has been a little patchy but the anglers putting the time in are getting rewarded with some good fish and the odd soapie sized mulloway has been landed by the guys fishing the deeper stretches trying to find the bigger bream. If it’s bigger mulloway you are after this weekend is going to put you in with a serious chance. We are coming into the full moon and recent rains should result in king prawn movement in the river as they are flushed downstream. You just need to get out there!

Staff member Curtis with a Soapie on a Halco Madeye Paddleprawn
When the wind, rain and swell came so did the snapper. Plenty of reports of success this week from the land based crews fishing the beaches and rock walls alike. Anglers having most success have been taking advantage of the often-staggering numbers of herring and using them as live bait.
The snapper reports from the boaties have been hit and miss, but when the snapper have been ‘on’, fish having been coming on board in quick succession. As long as the barometer is not dropping the fish have seemed hungry and aggressive, taking anything from unweighted baits to plastics in the berley trail. Most fish have come from 5-20m of water up and down the coast with the three-mile off HiIlarys being a hotspot for the boys at Morley. Joondalup staff member Dan and mates, Nick and Scotty, also fished the back edge of the Five Fathom behind Garden and got into a few at dusk on Tuesday. The by-catch at the moment is sensational as well with monster sambos, dhus, breaksea cod, some huge skippy and yellowtail kings. There have also been plenty of small sharks around. Just remember if you going to keep one for a feed to dress and bleed it as best as possible to keep up its eating quality. Further offshore the demersals have continued to fire with a lot of big dhufish being caught up and down the metro coast.

Staff member Dan and mate Nick with some respectable fish
Cephalopods abound. Staff member Hon-su went for a land based squid sesh during the week in rare wind free and sunny break in the weather. He fished from Coogee to North Mole and managed to land 7 squid and 11 cuttlefish. He also recons he dropped a monster cuttlefish at North Mole……….photos or it didn’t happen mate! In all fairness now is the time of year when huge cuttlefish start appearing seemingly everywhere. It’s often the case that a soft plastic you drop on a ‘dhuie’ lump will come up with a v shaped slice bitten out of it or in some cases you even hook and land one of the monsters. Those anchored up for snapper will also often get a squid, a cuttly or even an occy latch on to their baits that end up being part of the bag. By boat or by land plenty of anglers are managing a tasty bag of southern calamari and more and more reports suggest that part of that bag is also being made up of arrow squid, especially in deeper waters in the Cockburn Sound. Matching squid jig colours to the conditions have been the key to success so if you are unsure of what jig to choose make sure you pop into your nearest Bluewater for advice.

An average size squid from Hon-su’s mission

Staff member Pete also got into the squid this week
There are plenty of tuna around at the moment with southern blues running rampant south of Rotto and yellowfin popping up from the 30 metre mark and deeper and being more concentrated the further north you go. Trolling lures, and casting metals and stickbaits has been the undoing of both species.
Bream fishing has been a little patchy but the anglers putting the time in are getting rewarded with some good fish and the odd soapie sized mulloway has been landed by the guys fishing the deeper stretches trying to find the bigger bream. If it’s bigger mulloway you are after this weekend is going to put you in with a serious chance. We are coming into the full moon and recent rains should result in king prawn movement in the river as they are flushed downstream. You just need to get out there!

Staff member Curtis with a Soapie on a Halco Madeye Paddleprawn
Posts: 101
Date Joined: 27/05/12
Thanks Bluewater Morley
Awsome report guys . Heading out to brave the cold gentlemans hours at Hilarys. Would be very happy with one of those magnificent snapper.
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 15/01/10
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Posts: 398
Date Joined: 16/11/11
Thanks for a great report as always. Got into the squid in cockburn last week. Its loaded at the moment.
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 15/01/10
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