Boat Trailer Winch Hook - strength

Hi guys

Here is a question for the engineers amongst us.

What size hook do you need for a boat that weighs 1500kg? This may sound dumb, but you arent loading up the winch with the full 1500kg when pulling the boat up the trailer. Somehow I have managed to bend (deform) a 500kg rated hook on this boat. It didnt bend on the retrieve (I dont think), but it is bent now so it may have happened while towing. Obviously 500kg is not enough.

So, the question is, for my Haines Signature 600c, what size hook should I use?




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quadfisher's picture

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If it will fit , I allways

Thu, 2014-01-16 10:19

If it will fit , I allways think this type of thing is far better than those s shaped open ended stailess hook things

and even those boat winch hooks still arnt quite as good as this, overkill , yep, nothing wrong with that.

dont forget shock loading can increase the load by 2 ,or 3 times the weight momentarly, seen 6 tonne chains break

pulling 2 ton vehicles out. ( thats why we use snatch straps)



bradz's picture

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TDL - what does this mean?

Thu, 2014-01-16 10:43

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately those hooks are often too bulky to fit the eye on the front of the boat.

I have found some hooks that use the TDL acronym. I know what SWL means but what is TDL?


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 Tested Deformation Load :)

Thu, 2014-01-16 11:20

 Tested Deformation Load :)

scubafish's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-16 11:38

Got a photo of the hook ?


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Thu, 2014-01-16 11:48

If your hook deformed then I would also be concerend about the strength of the gears/locking pins on your winch, as much as we all have safety chains ou dont want it to come down to that.

I have a similar hook on mine to the one quadfisher recommended and as it wont fit through the hole in the hull I have a SS D shackle that stays on the front of the boat permanently and allows the larger hook

I have a 1300 or 1500kg atlantis manual winch on my boat that ways somewhere between 1 and 1.5 ton.  Lifting /winching overkill is always best

bradz's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-16 12:20

Ill take a photo of the snap tonight. It isnt anything too gnarly...but it is definitely deformed.

As for the winch itself, it is a 3 speed. However the 1:1 gear just spins on its spindle when winching under load so I need to use the other gears. It was like this when I got it.



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scottnofish's picture

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If it's spinning on the shaft

Thu, 2014-01-16 13:00

 Then the roll pins that go through the drum into the shaft are snapped . Would only ever use your winch for winching not for holding the boat on the trailer that's what chains and turnbuckles are for

bradz's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-16 13:08

I do have chain and turnbuckles to take the load.

Can you replace roll pins? Is it simply a matter of punching them out?


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Thu, 2014-01-16 14:20


hey scottnofish just to clarify you winch your boat on the trailor then attach your safety chain then some other turnbuckle set up I guess and then back your winch off so its not under load permanently?

bradz's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-16 14:30

That is what you are supposed to do, but almost nobody does.

Unfortunately for alot of boats, the design of the trailer and winch post does not have sufficient angles/geometry to allow the turnbuckles and chains to be set up correctly to take the weight off the winch itself.

Realistically you should have the full weight of the boat pulling down at 45 degrees from the bow eye to the trailer. This should result in the turnbuckle being secured to the base of the winch post. However, as I said earlier, the geometry rarely allows for this to happen. As such the angle is alot less which means alot of the load is still on the winch.


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Thu, 2014-01-16 14:42

ok cool, I might see if I can do something like that on mine.  My winch is constantly on load although I do have a rachet strap that pulls the nose down toward the top of the winch post so does get that angle like you say but a turnbuckle would be more secure

Swompa's picture

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Go with one of these:

Thu, 2014-01-16 12:51
Paul H's picture

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best photo I could find of my

Thu, 2014-01-16 17:13

best photo I could find of my safety chain.

bolts to base of winch post mount - not winch post, D-shackle you can't see obviously bolts to the boat not the winch hook. I don't back off the winch myself but 90% of the strain is on the safety when tightened. Also tie a small bit of rope (can see the small bit of blue rope on the trailer) through the turn buckle so it can't unwind itself when travelling long distance. On long trips rear of the boat is tied down with ropes to both sides of the trailer - mine won't go anywhere when this is all in place
PS hook on my winch strap is similar to the one Quadfisher recommended first up.


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Thu, 2014-01-16 17:04

a photo of the distorted hook has been added to the original post.


I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.

Paul H's picture

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Would definitely be upgrading

Thu, 2014-01-16 17:19

Would definitely be upgrading that hook (stamped 500kg) Bradz to one rated at least 1500kg consider the strain put on it winching in certain scenarios such as extra load or water on board. last thing you want in an urgent/emergency retrieval (heaven forbid it happening in the first place) is for the winch to fail/snap.


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Thu, 2014-01-16 17:48

 Yep that type is no good for heavy applications


paul that looks pretty simple to add to most boat trailors

bradz's picture

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Thu, 2014-01-16 17:55

Believe it or not a large local boating shop recommended it to me knowing which boat I had.

I'm looking for a stronger one as we speak.



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JohnF's picture

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Use a rated D shackle.....I

Thu, 2014-01-16 20:02

Use a rated D shackle.....I dont like those clip style jobbies........


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bradz's picture

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D Shackle

Thu, 2014-01-16 20:07

The hook makes life alot easier when retrieving alone. I do agree though, d shackles are much stronger and simpler.


I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.