Boat Wrap, Part 1 - Request for Member Assistance

This post is Part 1 of a series I will write to show Members the progression of the installation of a digitally printed graphic boat wrap that is being carefully designed and is scheduled for install on 12 December.  It is also a request for help in sourcing the last “hard to get” images.

In essence we are making an 8m long ocean scene to make a digitally printed wrap for the side of my mate’s boat.  We are including pelagic and demersal species, and also adding a coral reef, crayfish and bait school.  We have sourced some fantastic high resolution images of dolphin fish, tuna, tailor, mackerel and bait fish from a pro underwater photographer in the US.  Have a look at these – how good are they?

We have got the reef and crayfish from iStockphoto (commercial image site) but were having trouble getting good images of the local WA demersals.  We did contact a WA underwater photographer, following advice from Fisheries, but you wouldn’t want to know the price. 

This is our request for help.  I have seen so many quality images that Members have posted of their fish but unfortunately you cannot “steal” them at the resolution required to insert them on an 8m “canvas”.  What we are after are side on images of pinkies, dhuies and baldies, and a kingfish would be good as well.

The properties of the images that are ideal are:

  • the fish looks alive;
  • it is a “horse” so that we can add it to the boat in actual size;
  • it is side on;
  • it has very little in the way of fingers and hands over the fish; and
  • it has been taken by a good camera.

For best results, the image is ideally needed in the resolution that it was originally taken (5MB+ would be perfect).  There is no intention to “ping” any spot from the photo data and this is certainly not the reason for the request.  All background will be eliminated by the graphic designer so it doesn’t really matter what this looks like, or the horizontal angle of the image  – the good looking fish at the required resolution is the important thing.

It would really be appreciated of members could review their images and PM me if you think anything is suitable.  I could then give you an email address.

Part 2 of the “journey” will be the graphic of the final design prior to installation, and Part 3 will be the finished product.

The boat preparation is underway in earnest.  The below photos show the rub-back and first undercoat.

I hope there is interest in the project.  My Hornet has an excellent wrap designed and produced by PilbaraBrad and it has inspired us to go “bigger and better”.

Thank you in advance.  Mick 


Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.


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beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

I could have a go at editing

Tue, 2014-11-18 21:04

I could have a go at editing out my mates hand on this one. Ive already photoshopped the guts on it I might be able to do the hand too.


Mick C's picture

Posts: 608

Date Joined: 26/12/13


Wed, 2014-11-19 07:25

Beau,  That one certainly ticks all the boxes, thanks mate.  Will send you a PM.  Only a few more to go now.  Thanks again.  Mick 


Ability is what you are capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it - LH.