bream and flattys

ive only been using plastics for 3 or so weeks soo just learning how to use them these are a few fish ive caught

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axl100's picture

Posts: 112

Date Joined: 06/11/10

very nice 

Thu, 2011-01-13 19:21

very nice


Posts: 105

Date Joined: 05/10/10

 Some good fish mate... 

Thu, 2011-01-13 19:27

 Some good fish mate... 

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 looks like your doing well

Thu, 2011-01-13 22:01

 looks like your doing well for the short time with the placcies. well done


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Helen's picture

Posts: 597

Date Joined: 06/02/10

What do you think of

Thu, 2011-01-13 22:34

What do you think of plastics? Im not really a fan. I tried to use them both times at the Abrolhos, but I never seem to have any luck. Have more luck with those B2 lumo squids.


matt mckrill's picture

Posts: 50

Date Joined: 09/01/11

i love them now i no wat to

Fri, 2011-01-14 06:18

i love them now i no wat to use and just leaning how to retreave them, but once you get it you should be rite.