Bream schools
hi everyone, today I headed up the canning starting at castledare on the yaks with a mate, looking for some new ground. I found this awesome looking spot, looked absolutely perfect, but there was a man there fishing already. Must have been hard getting there LB but it must be worth it. Anyway I noticed him getting bites, I started getting excited because I was thinking its my new secret spot (no secret spots really, half the population of WA probs already know it). Then I asked caught many? Noticing his bucket, and just casually said yeah a fairly big one, showing me with his hands what looked to be about 45cm. I thought this can't be right then he chucks his hand in the bucket and shows me the biggest bream I have ever seen, I was gobsmacked.
The main question of this thread was to ask, when there is a huge bream in a place, does that mean there is usually other big bream there? His bites weren't small at all, it looked like a school of tailor were under there by the movement of his rod tip. I'm wondering if the schools with small bream, only have small bream. Schools with medium bream, also have most medium bream. And schools with big bream, have lots of big bream?
I'm definately exploring this tucked away part of the canning, it looks so good for bream (nice and shaded and very snaggy underwater, not too wide (about 5m) and very untouched looking (even though most of the canning looks is)).
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Yes the Bream school up at different times for different reasons.
At the start of the season they will bunch up as they head towards the areas upriver. This is when you will see some very large ones caught and in numbers.
A couple times per year they will spawn and big bream will gather together, they can be quite aggressive during a spawn and hit lures / baits really hard.
Some spots on the river will just be a good spot. It will suit a large bream who will push other fish out of the snag. It is worth fishing these snags and areas every time you are there. If you do get a nice fish out, the next day another one will usually take the spot.
My best advice is to keep moving , fish can be in a spot for a few days then might move to another area. Reasons can be bait and food are moving up and down the river and they will follow them.
The harder to reach areas will normally out fish popular spots, but yes they can school up any ware and normally they will be around the same size in the school. This is why I use larger baits and hooks, to get past the small bream and hopefully hook the larger ones in the school.
As far as keeping big Bream, (I try not to keep any at all) if you really want to eat them the 27cm to 32cm size is the best tasting, the large ones are not very nice on the plate in my opinion.
Cheers Grant
Posts: 1126
Date Joined: 02/03/13
Nah I never keep bream, feel
Nah I never keep bream, feel sorry for them coz of the age. Thanks for the help its amazing I have been wondering for a while
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 2546
Date Joined: 03/03/11
Awsome lachieH, listen to all the info and advice you can get. But keep moving from spot to spot. This is how you will find the big bream .
Posts: 1126
Date Joined: 02/03/13
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Yeah I've had days recently
Yeah I've had days recently where all I am catching is bream 28cm+ and for the most part those fish have been outnumbering the smaller 20's 4 to 1 and I can count the number of rats I've caught in the last month on one hand. I've found the same as grantartic though that they aren't territorial to one particular patch of the river or a particular snag. Some days the snags fire and some days the flats fire. I chuck them back as well but my little fella wanted to keep a 29cm one on Sunday so we'll see how they taste from the upper reaches tonight.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 20
Date Joined: 02/01/14
Don't fish the canning,
Don't fish the canning, theres a recent sewage leak so there's lots of poo in the water lol