Broom - End of September 2014
Submitted by Ado1968 on Wed, 2014-07-23 15:50
G'Day All,
I am off to Broome the end of September and am looking for some tips on places to fish.
Am taking my surf rod and a lighter rod suitable for up to 5kg bait/lure play.....
Can anyone provide me some background info and tips on locations ?
I am staying across from cable beach at the Palm grove Leisure Park so am keen to walk across th road and have a beer or two surf fishing watching the sun go down.
Am booking a day out fishing on the reef also.
Happy fishing all.
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Balloons off Ganthume point,
Balloons off Ganthume point, or flicking twisties either side of the high tide.
Jetty is also good apparently.
I am going up at End of August.
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 22/07/14
Balloons off Ganthume Point
Thanks Swompa,
With the ballooning, what sort of bait would I be using ? Any specific rig and sinker size ?
Any experience with Willie Creek ?
Posts: 3916
Date Joined: 14/10/12
Never actually done it, but
Never actually done it, but there is deep water, and I have been told by some very reliable that it works - and it makes sense too.
I have fished Crab Creek and Jacks Creek. No experience with Willie Creek, though there are a few resident Crocs as far as I believe.
I have never had luck when there are big tides, as the water stirs up, so if you are on mid/small tides, you should do OK.
Posts: 908
Date Joined: 06/05/12
Barra should have started in
Barra should have started in Barred, Willie, and Dampier creeks. They like lures especially early in the season ! Flouro green the best colours