bunbury crays
Submitted by brownie2 on Wed, 2017-11-29 11:31
hey all, any one having anyluck with crays around bunbury area? (pots) wanting to give it a go for the first time! have a little punt so limited can beach launch! any help would be awesome! cheers
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 17/08/11
5 whites 11 reds
5 reds and 11 whites on Monday brownie. Got these south of bunno. All the reds had a second shell and over half the whites were hard and ready to start walking. Going tomorrow for another look if the waters not too dirty. I’m not a potter but I’d be putting them in now somewhere north of the cut.
Posts: 49
Date Joined: 15/07/15
champion cheers battjn. will chuck one out 2moro morn!
Posts: 42
Date Joined: 17/08/11
14 whites 2 reds
14 whites and 2 reds today. Noticed a lot more shells on the ground today. Will be a busy weekend out there for sure with the weather looking the goods. Spoke to some one last night who pots regularly and had pots out last week north of the cut but wasn’t getting too many just yet. Unfortunately I don’t know much more on the potting scene but hopefully some one can help you out. Just make sure you get out there nice and early to check your pots before someone else does
All the best!