went down yesterday and arrived at 5.30...... bit later than i had of liked but we got there. fished the night for a few hours and picked up a nice 31cm king george whiting from the gazebo on the bend. went to sleep and woke up early to pack up the tent. got out about 9ish and i caight a red gurnard. moved up to find a few gardies... didnt bother with em tho. we walked up to the dodgy jetty near the UWO gates. it was swaying everytime a wave came past but we were catching herring and skippy. burleyed up heaps and soon after we had a plethora of herring skippy and trumpeter milling at our feet. unweightede peice of squid and we hooked up a lot. got plenty of skippy and a couple of herring with one being anice plump bull. about 20 minutes before we were sposed to leave, we saw some baitfish jumping. minutes later i hooked up to a nice big tailor. with a bit of a struggle we got him up and measured him...42cm my new PB and just over a kilo. dad hooked up seconds after to one that was bigger but he lost it to the pilons...
8 good size skippy out of over 20 with only one undersize
2 herring ( one bull herring)
one good KG
one good tailor
bludgin' since 94'
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
sorry about the big
sorry about the big picture...... i had no idea it would turn out that way
formerly Irish
take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!
bludgin' since 94'
Posts: 2550
Date Joined: 11/05/08
Nice mixed catch sounds like
Nice mixed catch sounds like a great day out. How did the new reel go?
You couln't wipe that grin fom my face even with a hammer.
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
i am very pleased with how
i am very pleased with how it performed and it casts great with minimal overrun. caught half of the skippy on it and the gurnard
formerly Irish
take a woman fishing and she will want to learn, teach a women to fish and she will outfish you for the rest of your life!
bludgin' since 94'