The Busso Jetty Report 31-7-13
Submitted by TheJettyRat on Wed, 2013-07-31 19:23
Not much to report this time around. Fishing on the jetty is usually very quiet at this time of year and this year is no exception. There are very little bread and butters around at the moment if you are chasing a feed of herring you will have to work for it. Although not in massive numbers squid is your best bet right now with most being caught on the second half of the jetty. A few Mulloway are hanging around but are fairly quiet if you are chasing them you may have to be willing to burn the candle at both ends. Not many live baits around so bring strip bait for the Mulloway.
That is all for now I will report back around October when things start to pick up.
Posts: 7930
Date Joined: 13/09/05
Got a good feed of herring
Got a good feed of herring yesterday morning at the small jetty where the ramp used to be.
"Just because you are a Character, Doesn't mean you have Character."
Mr Wolf
Posts: 179
Date Joined: 05/01/13
A lot of herring till about 11 last night
Posts: 248
Date Joined: 29/11/11
Got 7 squid this morning, had
Got 7 squid this morning, had to work for them. all caught just either side of sparrows then it died.An elderly gentleman in gopher got 22 herring at the end in quick time. A group leaving about 5:30 said 3 mullaway where landed at the end overnight and I saw a pile of scales just before the rise.
Posts: 733
Date Joined: 02/03/12
I got a Mulla yesterday.
I got a Mulla yesterday.
Posts: 44
Date Joined: 06/03/13
Rub it in mark,rub it in
Rub it in mark,rub it in
I love beer
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Date Joined: 02/03/12
hehe ok then ... number 4
hehe ok then ... number 4 :P
Posts: 229
Date Joined: 25/01/13
was tiny :p
was tiny :p
Posts: 12
Date Joined: 16/08/13
@ Jetty Rat..
I recently moved to Margies and have been logging some solid nights at Busso Jetty (just past half way) targeting Mullaway..
Been throwing cali squid tubes with a mulie stuffed inside (wrapped in ghost cotton) on a 5/0-6/0 snell set up and ezi line..
Have seen a few stompers get pulled up but haven't nailed one as yet, any further tip would be much appreciated
until then..
Posts: 733
Date Joined: 02/03/12
Your rig is too complicated.
Your rig is too complicated. Use a running sz 4 bean sinker and a sz 80/ or 9/0 Tarpon hook. Just running sinker and hook keep it simple and you will catch the big ones. Just use squid heads or cut squid tubes longways in half and use half at a time. Keep it simple with Mulloway.
Mulloway have come to an end now really, the season is changing and the rays and P.J's have moved in.
Posts: 12
Date Joined: 16/08/13
See ya point, thanks for the tip mate.. see ya out there!
until then..
dale 308
Posts: 156
Date Joined: 06/04/12
mulloway starting to thin out
mulloway starting to thin out is a bummer but that just means that sambo season for the jetty is almost amoung us im am very excited about that
Posts: 733
Date Joined: 02/03/12
Sambos are already hanging
Sambos are already hanging around.
Posts: 733
Date Joined: 02/03/12
Squid and cuttlefish are
Squid and cuttlefish are hanging around in good numbers now, this past week has been a corker for them, some good sizes in the mix too.