Castledare railway fishing
Submitted by lachieH on Thu, 2014-03-06 18:51
How are the bream going at castledare currently? Heading down on Saturday and will throw around some river prawns unweighted. Any other suggested baits for castledare railway?
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 145
Date Joined: 15/03/11
I should imagine there would
I should imagine there would be bream up that far by now, caught some big ones up that way over the last few years on unweighted prawns. Seems to be better in Febuary/March up there IMO. Hope that helps.
Posts: 1126
Date Joined: 02/03/13
Thanks. Cut up Peeled
Thanks. Cut up Peeled prawns, whole prawns or cut up whole prawns?
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 387
Date Joined: 28/01/13
I've been getting a few up
I've been getting a few up there lately just using unweighted whole frozen prawns mate, though it was a bit quiet directly after the new moon on the weekend. Its pretty much the only place I fish with it being close to home and proves pretty reliable most of the year. The little deli on the corner of Marjorie Ave and Barbican St usually stocks pretty good quality prawns too
Posts: 92
Date Joined: 21/01/13
Where do you park there at
Where do you park there at Kent st wier or Castledare place? Im thinking of going there tonight
All work and no fishing makes me a dull boy!!!!!!!!
Posts: 387
Date Joined: 28/01/13
I normally park at the
I normally park at the church/railway carpark and wander down. Never have got much straight off the grassy bank below the carpark so normally wander up to the right and find some snags up that way. Got my first (and only) bream on a lure about halfway between castledare and kent st weir too
Posts: 1126
Date Joined: 02/03/13
Got two white atomic hardz
Got two white atomic hardz breamshad40. Do you need chemically sharpened hook. Probs overcast getting there for high tide which is at 2.15pm fishing an hour and a half each side. Using fluoro leader. Is that good?
Fishing the swan for bream, it's just an obsession
Posts: 92
Date Joined: 21/01/13
Cheers tadpole.I went down
Cheers tadpole.
I went down there and fished that grassy bank and got a few smaller bream and on dusk got a nice 36cm one under a tree just near the left hand end of the concrete.
I might have to have a better look around to the right as mentioned as it wasnt too consistent.
Lachie I didn't try any lures just unweighted prawns on a size 1 and 1/0 circle hook with a short fluoro leader the only weight was my swivel.
Next time I might try some small strips of mullet or boney herring as well.
All work and no fishing makes me a dull boy!!!!!!!!
Posts: 387
Date Joined: 28/01/13
Nice work sideshow, you beat
Nice work sideshow, you beat my PB down there. Normally average about 20-25cm but go there mainly for the peace and quiet with a couple of beers more than anything. Got some boney herring in my freezer I want to slice up and try down there when I get back from work