Chart plotter
Submitted by greg gregory on Wed, 2013-01-16 15:50
Hi all
Just interested what people think the best chart plotter is. Just got a Furuno 620 sounder and now looking at a gps/chart plotter unit. Looking at spending between $300 and $500 or there abouts. Any thoughts?
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
I recently bought a GPS
I recently bought a GPS plotter with a similar budget and it was basically a choice between getting the Lowrance Elite 4m or the Garmin GPSMap 451.
The lowrance was cheaper but you need to buy the map card seperately and when you include the maps it was a little bit more expensive. The garmin comes with australian and new zealand maps included.
I chose the Garmin because the screen is a bit bigger and it was a little bit cheaper. It's an OK unit, but the screen really is small. If you can splash out a bit extra then a bigger screen would definitely be worth it. Maybe have a look at them in the shops first, the pictures on the internet make them look bigger than they are.
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
When I say the screen is
When I say the screen is small I mean that if you zoom out to see where your heading to then you can't make out any of the depth contours around your boat. If you zoom in to see the depth contours around the boat then you can't see where your heading to. So you end up zooming in and out a lot.
Rob H
Posts: 5823
Date Joined: 18/01/12
Ive got a used Navman 5500 to
Ive got a used Navman 5500 to flog plus a cmap card and fuel sensor also.
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