cheynes beach
me, the old man and my brother headed down Cheynes beach friday morning with nothing but the rods, beer and high expectations, got there around lunch on friday and headed down the rocks to flick a few lures around for a hour or 2 and much to our dislike it was very slow dad hooking a bonito but losing it at his feet although a small seal came up and was sussing us out (perhaps why the salmon wernt biting?), we headed back and called it a day, only to come back down first thing saturday morning and the rocks were packed managed to find a spot and start what turned out to be an awesome session was slow to start but then the salmon were chasing bait fish about 100m off the rocks with waves of small fish leaping out the water, we managed to land 12 salmon while a good 15-20 spat the lures right at our feet, also a few guys just down from us landed 2 big sambo's. towards the end of the sesh a turtle popped his head up and had a slow swim by. Things started to quitet off so we called it a day, we came back down early sunday morning and it was quiet again, only seeing 1 salmon get landed, but then out of no where a (what i think it was) southern write whale surfaced was a good 12-15m long and only 5-6m off the rocks we thought it was a submarine surfacing! was crazy too see we didnt even know it was there till she came up! so we watcher her swim off and then headed back to pack up and head home, was a great trip cant wait to get back down there was good to see so much marine life! will never forget seeing that whale so close!
Posts: 4109
Date Joined: 24/01/10
sounds like you had fun too!
sounds like you had fun too! I wasnt sure if it was you or or someone else up the rocks that was the fw member so I didnt ask lol. I got heaps of pics coming too. Oh and that bonito was probably a striped tuna, we caught quite a few of them!
Posts: 168
Date Joined: 23/02/06
you must've been just down
you must've been just down from us Gaffa - I was there with my mate + my 5yo son - spent more time chasing him and keeping him away from the edge; though managed a few hookups in the midday flurry on saturday :)
we were there too when the whale popped up - was awesome !, but we left early and hit west of albany after the whale left - too much swell
Posts: 3040
Date Joined: 10/05/10
Nice mate
That whale would have been a spin out
i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers