Cockburn Floaters
Submitted by Swompa on Fri, 2022-02-18 09:43
Howdy Folks,
Part of the Kwinana bulk jetty has 'liberated' and there are large pieces of timber washing up along the naval base horse beach. We noticed a few larger pieces (like railway sleeper sized) floating past the window yesterday.
I have rerported it to Freo Ports and they are going to clean up the beach and I have also reported it to Cockburn Sea Rescue though if you are out in the sound on the weekend, just keep your eyes open.
Posts: 630
Date Joined: 03/01/12
Valuable Info
Valuable info, thanks Swompa
Posts: 2490
Date Joined: 08/09/16
Good community service mate!
Good community service mate!
PGFC member and lure tragic
Posts: 219
Date Joined: 10/04/08
Cockburn Floaters
Well, I expected a different thread than that. Having deposited the odd floater myself.
Anyhoo, those timbers would also make awesome furniture, eg Bar tops and coffee tables etc. What I like is the providence of the item as well, eg where it came from, the history. So help your mates and remove them from being a shipping hazard, turn into a bar story