Converting forward control to centre console
Submitted by Bradmac73 on Thu, 2020-12-24 08:47
G'day all,
Well after selling my reef runner a few weeks back, I'm currently looking for a new smaller rig, probably soemthing around 5m Ali and preferably centre console. Had a look at a few forward control Quinnies/Stesco/stacer etc and considering the option of buying something like this and converting to CC.
So to that end I'm keen to hear anyone's experiences with doing the same. Interested in approx cost of conversion, pro's and con's of conversion as opposed to just buying a CC boat.
Appreciate any info any of you have.
out wide
Posts: 1535
Date Joined: 30/12/08
Gday Brad
My 4.6 Quinny cost 5g that included taking the floor fabricate and weld in the new console..beefing up the sub 8 years worth of shit under the old floor..welding the seat in.. rebuilding and replacing the hydrolic steering and gauges..Love it now. Dave aluminum welder boat builder from Rockingham is the go.
Posts: 64
Date Joined: 08/09/07
GDAY I need to have a bit of welding done on my kill tank
Do you have DAVES number
or the business name
Posts: 205
Date Joined: 22/03/17
Cheers Out wide. Appreciate the info.