Coral 3
Today was a bit of a reality check for us, fishing wise. Didn't hit the ramp till 11am after a mix up in communication with the other half of team gates arriving from Exmouth.
We headed out thru the south passage and this time decided to go a bit wider, towards 80m. After coming across some likely looking sounder images, we only managed 1 small shark....released unharmed.
Moving out deeper, we encountered some more patches of red but nothing was really interested in our baits....except the sharks.
Ended up catching and releasing 3 of them, but Mrs gates stepped up late in the session with a nice snapper, so at least we had something in the esky.
I did hook into something big that peeled line for a while, then it all went quiet and I was left without any of my rig...gone above the swivel.
We did see a turtle, a couple of bait balls on the surface and a sea snake!
Our neighbour reported hooking a nice mackie on a lure, only to have it chomped by a tiger shark...
We're off to swim with the whale sharks tomorrow.
PS. did I mention how hot it is up here!
If life is boring, you must be doing it wrong!
Faulkner Family
Posts: 18091
Date Joined: 11/03/08
well , you cant catch them
well , you cant catch them all. seen the weather forecast for exxy today and its going to be a nice day for a swim. hope the camera is with you with the whale sharks. thats one thing on our agenda when we are there this time.
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together