Crony jigging rods?
Submitted by Jamos Damokos on Thu, 2011-09-29 18:32
Hey im planning on buying a JM oceangod but this crony (also a jigwrex) were suggested as an alternative, both are a fair bit cheaper... any thoughts, anyone used one, im sure a few ppl here would have used a jigwrex but what about a crony? Only reason im asking i have to wait a few weeks before i can get the JM but the crony is available now.
Twiddling my thumbs with velvet gloves on.
Posts: 1217
Date Joined: 24/05/08
p>I've given the Pe3 version
p>I've given the Pe3 version a fair hiding on sambos and Amber'S and it performed Well.I have not seen the ocean God's first hand yet so i cant comment on the Action in comparison.As for the Jigwrex..Meh
I've posted a picture.
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
Can vouch for Crony, they're
Can vouch for Crony, they're a very well made rod for the price.
The PRJS561 is what Hotdogs is talking about, and is quite comfortably a PE3 rod. I know a few boys including myself that have extensively tested these rods in quite a few styles and models and have had nothing but positive reports.
I think you'd be impressed with which ever model you choose.
Jamos Damokos
Posts: 239
Date Joined: 11/08/11
Thanks guys, just waiting on
Thanks guys, just waiting on a response from were im planning on buying the rod, not sure about jig weight/line rating between a few rods some reason a model rated to 32lb had a jig rating of 150-300 and a rod rated to 50lb has a jig rating 100-180. JM Ocean god 280b are out of stock until mid oct, if anyone knows were i can get one let me know or any sites/shops that sell Cronys.
Twiddling my thumbs with velvet gloves on.
Posts: 2013
Date Joined: 30/08/06
Jamos Damokos
Posts: 239
Date Joined: 11/08/11
yeah Sam thats where ive been
yeah Sam thats where ive been looking at them, think i'll order one tonight, aswell as a crap load of jigs if they are willing to jam em in the rod tube nicely packed.
Twiddling my thumbs with velvet gloves on.