Dampier Tips/ Tricks??
Submitted by Mason85 on Fri, 2013-08-16 21:48
Heading up to Dampier for a week in late Sept. Just after some tips for chasing demersals out that way. We will be taking our Trailcraft 570 so have the tools to head out wide. Been told to head for the pipeline and follow that out??
Any info would be great.
Posts: 803
Date Joined: 07/04/10
Stop In ex mouth fish there
Stop In ex mouth fish there you'll do ok
Posts: 90
Date Joined: 25/05/08
local tackle store
Dont know much about Dampier, but i reckon when in doubt, go to the local tackle store. Have a chat with them, sure they will have good tips and advice.
Good luck. Fab
He who fails to prepare, prepares to fail.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Dont bother with the local
Dont bother with the local tackle store mate.... usually kids or tourists working in there.
If you have a gps with map, all you need to do is head out wide and troll around the contour lines and look for fish / ground on your sounder.
Check reports from Flying dutchman. He is visiting and bagged out on his first day.
pale ale
Posts: 1755
Date Joined: 02/01/10
Posts: 158
Date Joined: 21/04/13
We live in Tom Price so it's
We live in Tom Price so it's just as far to Exy. Plus wanna try somewhere new. Cheers pale ale will head out and have a look
Posts: 176
Date Joined: 18/08/13
If you plan on fishing
If you plan on fishing towards/near the ore ships at anchorage (roughly 16nm in a straight line north/nthwest of Hampton Harbour) stop at the last couple of shipping channel navigation markers and jig for live bait. They work wonders on trout and reds. Trolling for mackies between the ships and the islands is worth a go too.
Posts: 229
Date Joined: 25/01/13
just got back did 2 days on
just got back did 2 days on mac attack charters cleanrd up on big snapper sweet lip cobia baldies heaps off mackies rankin cod spanglies deal they have is if u stay in cottages u get 1 charter free so was 350 for 2 off us on the charter plus accommodation in a nice cottage
Posts: 1721
Date Joined: 29/05/09
reliable red grounds are
reliable red grounds are about a 30Nm trip to the north, look at your charts and you'll get a good idea of where to start, plenty of shallow reefs to the west of eaglehawk that hold plenty of trout, chinamen and bluebone if you like doing the SP/Okta jig fishing. Macks around sailfish reef and hamersley shoals with madeline shoals worth a look but the sharks are vicious out there. Not hearing of many billfish at the moment but i did get a sailfish in early october and the water is still cool enough, bait has been a bit scarce as of late too.
bagged out in 2 hours on Monday, fishing is very dead on the outgoing tide at the moment, really need to target that rising tide it seems, totally shut down once it turned on monday and dead quiet on Sunday when we had a late start
Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target
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Date Joined: 03/03/10
dont bother
don't bother with the local tackle shop, for info , and take every bit of tackle you might need with you K town tackle prices are over the top most blokes up there use MO tackle or tackle shops down south , could let you in on some local secrets but last time I did that on fishwrecked I got a bollocking for letting out to many local secrets so I would need to PM the info to you other wise I will never be welcome back there