day at the dam
Submitted by scott99 on Mon, 2012-07-30 15:05
so me an BIG TUNA went down to the dam for a few hours ,started of a good morning with a fish a cast landing about 15 small ones an 2 big ones ,all put back to fight another day ,all so put the marron trap in for 2 hours but no luck there,so no marron for lunch :(
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what time is hi tide there ?
what time is hi tide there ?
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Date Joined: 17/07/12
is that wa?
Is that in wa mate?
Posts: 82
Date Joined: 20/09/08
what sort of fish are they?
what sort of fish are they?
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Date Joined: 11/10/11
silver perch ......yer near
silver perch ......yer near serpentine (privet dam)
Posts: 82
Date Joined: 20/09/08
thats pretty good your own
thats pretty good your own little fishing hole ...
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Date Joined: 17/07/12
sweet is it your private dam?
what other fish you get in there?any trout?
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i wish
i wish it was mine ,nar only perch atm , trying to get him to put trout in there
Posts: 245
Date Joined: 17/07/12
what bait did you use?
Wenever the water is that chocko my lures never work.Might have to start using bait and float.
Posts: 78
Date Joined: 23/07/12
you got somthing like this
you got somthing like this MetroMako ?
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Date Joined: 17/05/12
Even if its a private dam is it legal to take marron out of season, Just a question that has caused debate at work before ??
If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
It is only illegal to
It is only illegal to remove marron from private property during the closed season. if they caught them and ate them there they have not broken any rules.
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
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Date Joined: 20/01/11
not true
not true
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
Page 4 of the recreational
Page 4 of the recreational Marron Fishing Guide.
As I understand it, If you have permision from the owner and you caught and ate them on the private property you have not broken any rules.
"As it is difficult to distinguish between marron taken illegally
and marron grown on private property, it is illegal to remove
marron from private property during the closed season."
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
Posts: 82
Date Joined: 20/09/08
silver perch they eat all the
silver perch they eat all the marron ?
Posts: 78
Date Joined: 23/07/12
who givs a shit if we get
who givs a shit if we get them eat them? its private ..... you dont know no1 knows and we have a good feed so suck shit and shut up ! we did not ask for your infomation......
just some pics for you to enjoy !
Aaron Santos
Posts: 300
Date Joined: 12/11/10
take a chill pill big tuna. I
take a chill pill big tuna. I was actually sticking up for you boys.
Still trying to catch fish!
West Coast Eagles Supporter and Proud Member.
big john
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Big Tuna's starting to wind up again.
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
Wes F
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Need a bigger drop net
It's not fun till he's netted a few (on private property)
Old fishermen never die they just smell that way.
Posts: 75
Date Joined: 28/04/12
Awesome guys looks like the
Awesome guys looks like the perch I used to catch at golden ponds a few years back used to get some Bigns too Sadly u don't catch f**k all there these days
Posts: 78
Date Joined: 23/07/12
nu not you Aaron :D its all
nu not you Aaron :D its all good mate
Posts: 78
Date Joined: 23/07/12
would be good if you could
would be good if you could like pplz coments on here like facebook ! and a dislike button would come handy .....
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Nice work mate. I did a bit
Nice work mate. I did a bit of Silver Perch fishing myself a few months back. In my mates backyard pool hahahaha. He Converted his whole backyard pool into a pond for an mega aquaponics system. The biggest Silver we caught out of his pool went 49cm and was mega fat. They taste pretty good i reckon. Now just to wait to harvest his next batch of fish............Rainbow Trout hahahaha.
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Big tuna wasn't having a go at you mate i was just asking a question that has caused some debate at work before. Good luck to you if you have someone that lets you take them nothing better than fresh marron.
If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete
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hay buz how long dose it take for them to get in the 49 cm mark an fat ...............i know they are a very slow growing fish an can live up to 20 years??......sabre i dont think he was having a go at u not to sure on the rules so thanks for aaron for letting me know
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
He bought his around the 20cm
He bought his around the 20cm mark and it took about 2 years to get them this big. This was the biggest one though, most were around 40-45cm. in saying that i have one in my medium fish tank at home that was 5cm 2 years ago and is now only 8cm. Though he doesnt get feed very often as i dont want him to grow quickly.
As a comparison a Barramundi i had grew from 12cm to 75cm in 2.5years. Helps having a big home for them, good quality water and very regular feedings :)
Posts: 404
Date Joined: 17/05/12
All good scott im not sure on
All good scott im not sure on the rules either and was just seeking some answers if some-one knew because one of the guys i work with has a mate with a dam
If fishing is a sport I,m an elite athlete
Posts: 215
Date Joined: 10/06/12
Nice Perch Scott & a double
Nice Perch Scott & a double header for the big man, looks like a nice quiet spot to spend a day.
Posts: 105
Date Joined: 04/12/10
Feeding barra
Buz mate wat did u feed your barra?
Coz mine only eats live fish which i cant afford to buy everyweek
Posts: 1555
Date Joined: 28/08/07
Started with live, then
Started with live, then gradually got them onto frozen Bluebait(thawed out), then onto frozen Mullies, then onto fresh or frozen whole dead Herring. At the peak my big Barra would eat two medium sized Herring a day.
Posts: 245
Date Joined: 17/07/12
Golden Ponds
Mayaswell put a line down into your septic tank..that place is filth
Posts: 245
Date Joined: 17/07/12
Golden Ponds
Mayaswell put a line down into your septic tank..that place is filth
Posts: 180
Date Joined: 11/10/11
golden ponds is good an has lost of fish , 2 lb line ,no sinker , an a pellet bait mix ..............
Posts: 180
Date Joined: 11/10/11
its not nice to talk about someone business like that on a public forums ....when there is fish there
Posts: 78
Date Joined: 23/07/12
you just gota know how to do
you just gota know how to do it !