Finished work at midnight Thurs night and had the boat ready to go in the carpark(doesn't that upset my work mates). Got down to Point Peron about 12.45 and put a couple of home made bourbons under my belt and it was nigh nighs for 4 hrs!!! Got up about 5 and put the gear in the boat and was greeted by AL (DA BLOKE) at 5.30. Put theboat in and got things ready and Till(Jamie) turns up right on time.

Was a little choppy and there for a little wet on the way out Jamie not having his wet weather pants on looked like he had been for a swim by the time we got to the first spot!!!!Surprised The first drift or two didn't produce anything but on the third I nailed a nice BB(no photo taken). So off to further spots we went !!!

The second spot I had not fished before and it only produced a couple of those nasty red spinny fellas. The wind had dropped and I decided it would be good to get out to a spot I had pinged in 60+m.

 On arrival the lump looked good(couldn't really tell what it looked like the first time, we were drifting at about 5kns and it was covered in fish). Not as many fish this time but definately worth a shot. On the way out I was saying to Al "I wonder if you get KG's out in this depth". He pulled up two very nice specimens so I guess that answered that questionLaughing(once again no photos taken)(sorry Pilbarra Brad).

The wind had dropped to bugger all and the boat was twisting this way and that so it was hard to set a drift. But once I got us over the spot Jamie was on big time!!! A tussle began and a few minutes latter a lovely Dhuie hit the deck!!!! (YIPPPEEE A PHOTO)Smile

It was Jamies PB Dhuie at 11kg(wrong calculations on the boat had me thinking that the nephew and I had lost the boat record @11.3kg. but it wasn't to be). on the next drift I caught what I believe to be the nicest looking fish in the sea(even better looking in it's natural environment when diving). The Western Blue Devil!!!!!!

Another drift and Jamie was on again. Not as big this time but still a nice specimen of 9kg!!!

Don't think Al was tooo happy!!!!!Yell (I'm sure he didn't have a problem at all)Undecided

Well it was getting on and we did a couple of drifts at some spots on the way home to no avail.

 All in all a great day on the water(always is when you can get on the water) and well done Jamie!!Cool

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

good work

Mon, 2008-10-20 04:25

you got on the water and a feed to go with it

your spot on about the devil ,verry nice looking fish



"A family that fishes together stays together"


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Dreamweaver's picture

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Great Report Rod

Mon, 2008-10-20 06:34

Onya with the dhuis Jamie. Yeah, those scorpion fish need careful handling ay? Still, with those and the blue devil, sounds like you were on some decent ground.

Colin Molloy

(Colin 2 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)



Soon to be de "dreamweaver" ed!

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Great stuff

Mon, 2008-10-20 07:17

Great report Rod and some nice snaps there. Love that Western Blue Devil.
(Colin 1 - Co-founding member of the prestigious Colin Club)


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Yeah it was a fun day out

Mon, 2008-10-20 07:51

Yeah it was a fun day out and a couple of good feeds all round =0
