Deep Drop Friday

Had a drop in difficult conditions on Friday, Strong current, big swell and wind all going in different directions. Pulled only Knfejaw and something else, green eye's were not the keen either. I had some dolphins come over for a look see also. Sounder pics attached. I should have taken a picture of the sounder once of the fish as the bottom definition is very good and flat lines. Combination of wind current and swell gave a 030deg drift lining me up with 2 areas holding fish but nothing biting.

Other info is travel time from woodmans is 2 hours @15knt avge and fuel burn 25 to 28 ltr diesel P/hour depending on sea state, boat weight 3 ton.

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Date Joined: 29/11/05

Rubies gb

Mon, 2018-06-04 18:29

 Looks like ruby and gb country to me, must not have been on chew.


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Date Joined: 27/07/16


Tue, 2018-06-05 18:44

The weather has put the Kibosh on heading out there for awhile, looking fwd to the deepdrop night at the club on friday.