Diamond Deck

Just a quick question, has anybody used Diamond Deck on the floor of their boat? We have just removed the very old and according to some very smelly carpet that has been there since new (14 years) and even though Diamond Deck is rather expensive if it's a reliable product I might say bugger the expence.

Posts: 59

Date Joined: 10/12/15

 Hi Im not to sure about

Fri, 2019-08-02 06:20

 Hi Im not to sure about diamond deck as I have never seen it but I recently put deck armour in my boat and  i am pretty happy with it not cheap either but some times like you said you have to say bugger the expense and dont show the missus the credit card bill?

Daryn's picture

Posts: 167

Date Joined: 01/05/12

 I have Sea-Dek in the boat

Fri, 2019-08-02 09:01

 I have Sea-Dek in the boat coming up 2 years. It's wearing really well and still scrubs up like new with a bit of elbow grease. I wouldn't go back to carpet.

Cruise Control's picture

Posts: 973

Date Joined: 03/11/10

 Do you find that the diamond

Fri, 2019-08-02 15:23

 Do you find that the diamond deck or deck armour scuffs and marks if you drag something heavy over it ?

blu2fish's picture

Posts: 80

Date Joined: 23/01/13

Diamond Deck

Fri, 2019-08-02 22:45

Gone ahead and purchased Diamond Deck but have to clean the floor up before installing it, hopefully it meets the suppliers write ups on it.

Rick's picture

Posts: 1118

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Sat, 2019-08-03 08:39

 Be interesting to see a few before and after photos 


PGFC Member


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Date Joined: 28/02/19

  A mate of mine tried

Sun, 2019-08-04 16:26



A mate of mine tried Diamond Deck after a similar smelly carpet experience. He was unhappy with the product after a couple of years. It kinda picked up on everything, got a bit soft, the adhesive failed in a few spots (probably due to installation) and looked like a foam mattress the dog had chewed. He's using the Kiwigrip from Whitworths and it's working well. So much so I did my deck as well in Kiwigrip as well. Mind you, it's a self draining ally boat, so the deck gets worked hard.



Posts: 59

Date Joined: 10/12/15

 yeah they will mark if you

Mon, 2019-08-05 06:44

 yeah they will mark if you drag any thing sharp or heavy on it but I have stuck foam on the bottom of my eski and sinker box to try and lessen the marking but so far squid ink fish blood has just hosed off as long as i do it straight away and not left to dry thats on deck armour

Marineboy's picture

Posts: 845

Date Joined: 14/03/14

Diamond deck.

Fri, 2019-08-23 12:18

i had very poor experiences with diamond deck, adhesive was crap and the after sales service from diamond deck was poor, I ended up getting a refund for my purchase from complete angler and they then stopped stocking the product because of diamond decks poor after sales service.


 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

ranmar850's picture

Posts: 2702

Date Joined: 12/08/12

have you looked at Ultralon?

Sat, 2019-08-24 18:08

 Comes in two patterns, Z-tread or Octogrip, which is raised circles. Darren 253 did his Reefrunner himself--Mansfields offer it as an option on new Caribbeans. Some pictures here fishwrecked.com/forum/caribbean-reef-runner  Scroll through until you come to pics of the finished deck. I considered doing it myself, but decided, as it cn be done at any time, to maybe do it later. I did put some on the underfloor storage lids between the seats, as these are Starboard and show the dirt up really easily. With what I had left, I put it on the footrests and a pad either side of the front hatch where the gloss is very slippery when you are on the foredeck. 

It is not as soft as stuff like Seadek, but i view that as a plus--all that soft underfoot EVA stuff looks great when new, but, IMO, it's really for pleasure boats, not fishing boats. Just not durable emogh over time, for what you pay for it. The Ultralon has 3-M backing, sticks like the proverbial. You can view it in the flesh at Whitworths, but I wouldn't buy it there--they only sell in the smaller amounts, and if you unt around on the net, it is available in larger amounts that make it not that expensive to do.