different braids
just wont to ask a question on different braids
i always use fireline in any line class and have noticed it to be one of the more expensive ones to buy .i have tried a few other brands but they dont seem to cut it when it comes ease of tying knots ,knot strenght, abrasive quailities.has anyone out there used the fins prt super braid and how does it compare with fireline .like, is it a stiff wirey line like fireline or is a soft line like ya platypus braids .theres just so many different brands out there nowdays,and the price difference from 1 to another can be quite a lot as well as the quaility any comments on any brands would hopfully help me and maybee a few others.
im asking this as i live in a fairly remote area and cant just whip down the local fishing shop to compare the different :feel: etc
Posts: 963
Date Joined: 04/10/05
Hows it going mate,
I know what you mean its hard to keep up with them all. I myself have platypus superbraid on all my reels, I went for it just because I completely trust the brand as have used their mono for years. I have to say I have never had any problems with it and would recommend it to anyone
Posts: 1285
Date Joined: 14/08/05
things r ok,will be alot better soon .5 day trip in 3weeks ,cant tell ya bay rock on
ANYWAY i always used platypus mono as well so that was the first braid i eva bought .its quite soft and fairly exxxxxxy i dont know if it was my learning curve going from mono to braid fishing on very coraly ground but it seemed the platypus would just cut through on the first sharp rock when hooking a fish.it got to the point where my leader was almost half the depth of the water i was fishing in.it was doing my head in ,then a work mate suggested the fireline an i havnt looked back .that was some years ago now and i know there have been big leaps forward in braid technology .so am hoping 1 of the other brands might be onto the abrasive strenghts a bit more.
mono is probably the go over such coraly ground but i know i will never go back to it .seems its like fishing with a lacky band to me now, and as for flicking lures around coral bommies braid wins hands down .
its the price factor fireline is up there and am hoping 1 of the cheaper brands can have the abrasive strenght
always in it just the depth that varies
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
Fins PRT is a fav of mine
Fins PRT is a fav of mine for both casting and bottom bouncing, easy to tie knots - strong as buggery - smooth from the get go. Fireline is too stiff at first especially in the heavier line class's .
The exocet braid is another ive used and like, nice and smooth but Fins PRT still gets my vote.
Posts: 97
Date Joined: 25/07/05
Finns is my choice
I am with shizz on this one. I am currently in the process of changing all my braid from fireline to fins I find that it is easier to tie knots and is far less abrasive and you can pack a lot more on your reel
Posts: 212
Date Joined: 08/09/05
mate it won't matter what you put on your reel ,because i'll be catching all the fish.
what you should be looking for is a real good knfe to help me fillet them.
i'd stick to the fireline for the bottom mitch and maybe try the fins for the pelagics ,and if it goes alright for you then i'll give it a go.
Posts: 1556
Date Joined: 07/08/05
Funkybunch - i found it laid
Funkybunch - i found it laid really nice on the reel, nice and even, so i think that helped to add a bit of line capacity too.
honsu chin
Posts: 2086
Date Joined: 20/09/05
I like FINs as well altho I
I like FINs as well altho I have only one 20lb spool of it. Its not stiff like fireline but not too soft either...easy to tie knots with and doesn't fluff up or fade like fireline.
As for abrasion resistance.....any braid will have virtually nil abrasion resistance due to their nature.....even the 80lb stuff still pings like cotton when it touches another braid or hard surface.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15653
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Fins for me too
Yep, fins for me too. Just loaded my little applause up with 15 pound matrix sufix, beautiful stuff. Doesn't make up for the tackle store guy over spooling it thou. But great braid, certainly ranks up there higher than fireline for me, easy to tie, no fluff or strands breaking from my experience with it.
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Date Joined: 14/08/05
cool coments,might have to give the fins a shot.
honsu chin, ive gotta disagree with all braids have nil abrasion resistance .yes all braids are no where as good as mono ,but from from my experience and a few mates there is a fair bit of difference,maybee not in the lighter line classes ,say 10kg an under but 15gk an over i think the difference can be a fair bit.maybee ill give the fins a bit of a test against the fireline i.e cut 2 lengths of both braids set em up under the same tight tension and run them across each other. do it a couple of times and see if 1 or the other cosistantly lets go first.would be nice to see fins come out on top cause where i shop it is a lot cheaper and means ide be getting better abrasion qualities than what i use now
anyone using the stren braid ? the yanks seem to rate it.i had a look at there web site and theyve got 4or5 different types 1 of which boasts top abrasion resistance,
cheers mitch
hope use all have a good weekend and catch a fish or ten
always in it just the depth that varies
Huggy B
Posts: 17
Date Joined: 31/01/06
I have a few different
posted twice??
Huggy B
Posts: 17
Date Joined: 31/01/06
Quote Huggy B:I have a few
65lb Berkley Whiplash (TLD25)
80lb Fins PRT (Spheros 14000FA)
10lb Sufix Matrix Pro (Penn Applause 2000)
4lb Platypus Superbraid (Penn Applause 2000)
8lb Fireline (Shimano Aernos and Shimano Crestfire)
20lb Bionic Braid (Penn Powergraph 7000)
The first two dont get cast, but the Whiplash is razor thin and razor sharp - definitely need gloves to pull the knots! The PRT is much nicer but still thin.
Easily the best of the rest is the Matrix Pro - casting is effortless, knots well, lays beatuifully - its very hard to fault. The Bionic is a close second but ouch, you pay handsomely for it!
The platypus super would be third, doesnt seem to knot as well as the others and fireline last - it was my first foray into braids and it was good til I tried others. Wont ever go back to fireline now, much rather "true" braids. Dont like the fluffing etc associated with gel spun thermo filament.
location: Attadale
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here fishy, fishy, fishy - I'm waiting.......
Posts: 485
Date Joined: 04/02/06
Two for me!
Harros Bionic braid = numero uno, followed by fins for price!