Dive buddy wanted week days till 1-12-11
Submitted by biggerfish on Fri, 2011-11-18 21:59
Back from work for three weeks tryin to find a dive buddy for any good mornings during the week leave for broome on the 1st of December. Just got all dive gear serviced and a new shark shield so I'm keen as to go get some crays. Live down in rockingham the new 6m hardtop is back from the fitout all decked out and want to get as much use out of it before I go bak to work. Any morning is good for me dePending on weather can go to rotto for two dives and a troll or just go out for a quick dive behind GI Tuesday mid morning looks ok but with the easterlies next week any morning will be good for behind GI
Play hard fish harder
Posts: 669
Date Joined: 02/03/09
Any takers
Any takers
Play hard fish harder