Diving WA Video

 Hi all, had the last week stuck indoors with a bad knee. I had to kill a few days doing something so I went through my harddrive and put together a little video of some diving locations of the last few years. I tried to keep it short (3.46) to stay interesting so its just short little clips but spread between the north coast from Ashmore Reef down to Dunsborough a few of the clips may would have popped up in here from other vids i posted a few years ago. Hope a few of the divers in here get a kick out of it, thought I'd try get some content into the poor old Diving Snorkelling thread :) Enjoy!







 Dave J.

GrahamM's picture

Posts: 648

Date Joined: 19/01/09

 great little video thanks

Wed, 2017-01-04 21:02

 great little video thanks for sharing

Posts: 37

Date Joined: 17/03/12


Wed, 2017-01-04 21:09

Loved it. Been to some and great little vid.

Posts: 37

Date Joined: 17/03/12


Wed, 2017-01-04 21:09

Loved it. Been to some and great little vid.

Niko's picture

Posts: 213

Date Joined: 26/11/13

Some of those scenes are

Wed, 2017-01-04 21:13

Some of those scenes are amazing. Great vid good onya

crano's picture

Posts: 713

Date Joined: 04/11/09

Luv it

Wed, 2017-01-04 21:34

 The drone shots are amazing

bennym_82's picture

Posts: 86

Date Joined: 18/05/16

Nice Vid

Wed, 2017-01-04 22:22


ROCKPOM's picture

Posts: 629

Date Joined: 23/04/07

Great Footage

Thu, 2017-01-05 10:08

Great Footage

claymore's picture

Posts: 225

Date Joined: 11/01/11

awesome video!

Thu, 2017-01-05 11:38

awesome video!

Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

Date Joined: 22/09/08

Thanks guys

Thu, 2017-01-05 14:41

 cheers for checkin it out, been pretty lucky to be able to get out and about a bit the few years. Thanks for takin the time to watch


 Dave J.

rob90's picture

Posts: 1534

Date Joined: 06/02/13

 Now that is livin! Sweet vid

Thu, 2017-01-05 15:47

 Now that is livin! Sweet vid


 Hi my name is rob............. and I'm a........... fishaholic

Krusty's picture

Posts: 714

Date Joined: 27/11/15

I would have been a bit

Thu, 2017-01-05 17:32

I would have been a bit bloody nervous with that whale so close under the tinny, was expecting the tail to make contact. 

Great vid cheers 



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

Date Joined: 22/09/08

 no worries cheers! ha yea

Thu, 2017-01-05 19:57

 no worries cheers! ha yea close enough to set the shallow alarm off on the sounder. bit of a sad story on the one. Had a cray rope around it and it came up to us then dived and couldnt find it again, off Tantabiddi.


 Dave J.

Ashen's picture

Posts: 1042

Date Joined: 22/03/13


Thu, 2017-01-05 20:10

 The best diving compilation video I've seen, no joke!  You showed  the WA coast at it's finest!  Maybe you should sell (copyright) it to tourism companies that promote overseas visitors.  Seriously mate, I am very impressed! 


I've only dived once, many years ago whilst holidaying in Vietnam. Didn't really enjoy it.  But your video made me want to go to a dive shop and "gear up" !! Haha 



A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

Reefmonkey's picture

Posts: 711

Date Joined: 22/09/08

thanks man

Fri, 2017-01-06 08:46

 cheers Ashen! thanks for saying that. ill check it out might try sharing it around on fb.


 Dave J.

Stevo81's picture

Posts: 1278

Date Joined: 16/04/12

 Very cool mate, cheers

Fri, 2017-01-06 06:59

 Very cool mate, cheers


                                   ••••••••  Electrical Contractor NOR  ••••••••

Posts: 311

Date Joined: 13/12/12

Awesome video - the drone

Mon, 2017-01-09 13:42

Awesome video - the drone shots were choice and how friggin' cool was that whale coming up under the dinghy. 

Really great stuff - thanks for sharing

Ron Ashcroft's picture

Posts: 95

Date Joined: 22/11/07

 Great stuff mate well done

Mon, 2017-01-09 14:58

 Great stuff mate well done and thanks for sharing