Docking lines

Hi guys

Heading over to Rotto soon and need to make up 4 new docking lines for the jetty. I'm getting some 3 strand polyester but just need to ask what size would you use? My boat is a 6m Haines Signature.

10mm rope has 1700kg breaking strain

12mm rope has 2400kg breaking strain

All up the boat weighs about 1600kg (wet) but of course you arent supporting that much weight when docked to a jetty.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. The 10mm would make tying up easier and allow more turns on the cleats but the 12mm would offer greater abrasion resistance.




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Can get docking lines premade

Wed, 2014-02-12 10:11

Can get docking lines premade with eye loops at one end and they have a nice soft feel. Much nicer that a 3 strand.


Go the 12mm.


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Agree bigger is better

Wed, 2014-02-12 10:20

I use 16mm or thicker for docking lines because its easier on the hands. Might not matter most of the time, but it does if you need to lead the boat, or if you are putting someone onto the jetty who then has to pull the boat in and tie it off(often necessary when jetties are crowded), or if you are fighting a strong wind or swell. The difference in price between 10mm and 16mm is not significant when you are only talking a few metres for docking lines. Go bigger.

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12 mm

Wed, 2014-02-12 10:38

12 mm is plenty and use a cotton or silver rope that is easy on the hands and good for untying knots.

You are not tying up a 40+ foot crayboat so there is no need to go any heavier on the rope

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Wed, 2014-02-12 11:07

Thanks for the responses guys.

I use the pre-made braided polypropelene docking lines for launching and general handling. However, I did use them previously for docking at Stark Jetty at Rotto a few years ago, and during a rather windy night one line got severely worn  and another of the lines actually wore through and broke. The lines were secured nicely, but the heat generated and the rubbing on the timber just ate through.

Thank god there was not boat in the pen adjacent.

The polyester seems to have a much higher abrasion resistance. So for overnight docking I was leaning to wards that. I will go at least the 12mm I think.




I did then the best that I knew how. When I knew better, I did better.

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 The heavier the better .. I

Wed, 2014-02-12 12:55

 The heavier the better .. I think mine is 18mm .. why risk it for a few $ ?? 

If it was purely for docking then 12 .. but your using it as a mooring type line overnight