dolphin fish fads

 hey guys, made the journey to rockingham fad yesterday, got there about 8.15am, mate hooked up to a nice dolly first troll sadly dropped it at the side of the boat, we thought here we go .. big day coming ,

they went quiet though so tried few different lures trolling, casting stickbaits, soft plastics, i thought ok chuck a squidtrex on .. bang straight away hooked a smaller one but he jumped and threw the hook.

no dramas i thought , at least we got them chewing again but that was the last interest they showed.

in a last gasp i had caught a small mack tuna so i prepped a nice n  bloody long fillet on a tailor rig but do you think i could get it past the sole bloody butcher bird?? he was relentless so had to give up on that.

anyone else had any luck getting them fired up on any different types of lure? I know they love a livey but we didn't have any and im not 100 percent sure youd get it past the winged taxman anyway

davewillo's picture

Posts: 2382

Date Joined: 08/09/16

 They are very hard to fire

Wed, 2024-04-17 10:39

 They are very hard to fire up once they get lockjaw. Livies will get past the mutton birds but little else does, except artificials. Herring work well but if you can find yellowtail or slimy macks they are dynamite. I haven't found them consistently NOR but some of the markers in the Sound carry them apparently.

Sometimes if you troll in the general area but not past the FAD itself you'll get dollies, and they tend to be the bigger specimens in my experience. Pink skirted lures have been the most successful for me. 


 PGFC member and lure tragic

straith's picture

Posts: 420

Date Joined: 25/11/13

Thx mate,  yeah our first

Fri, 2024-04-19 15:15

Thx mate,  yeah our first drive by was trolling a cpl hard bodies and immediately hooked up to a nice size fella, sadly he didnt fight much and then panicked at the boat and threw his hooks.

partly our fault but i knew we were in for some pain when he just glided str8 in towards us.

I hooked a smaller one on a squidtrex and he started to put on a great show but again threw hooks.

All good though I was just glad to se them actually there after such a long drive.


uncle's picture

Posts: 9469

Date Joined: 10/02/07

Big johns small bucktails

Fri, 2024-04-19 15:45

 Work a treat, trolled or cast


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

straith's picture

Posts: 420

Date Joined: 25/11/13

 cheers, I'll give em a try!!

Fri, 2024-04-19 16:24

 cheers, I'll give em a try!!