Easter Weekend fishing

Started off good Friday taking the kids out for a squid session in Cockburn sound. fished one of our usual spots alongside G.I with only 1 squid in about 6 drifts. we moved to another spot near the causeway which resulted in 3 good size squid in 2 drifts. this included my eldest son getting his first squid.
Sunday was spent at whitehills with the family and managed to get in a sneaky fish before the sea breeze. 6 good size herring in less than an hour.
Monday was time for me to have fun. Left point Perron ramp around 6.00am headed to the 40's. the easterly was gusting and the chop was pretty rough. first couple of spots nothing and the days was looking bleak. we headed to the 3rd spot of the day and first drop landed a sea sweep. Second drop resulted in the first sized Dhui for the new boat. the mood shifted dramatically on board. Next drift 2 blackarse. esky was looking much better now. 3rd drift resulted in a nice Baldy. happy with the mixed bag and sea breeze immanent we headed home.

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ChrisG's picture

Posts: 558

Date Joined: 30/12/11

 Well done mate

Tue, 2018-04-03 20:14

 Well done mate

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Tue, 2018-04-03 20:24

 Coupla different feeds there, best of all worlds.


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Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18092

Date Joined: 11/03/08

 well done. a fruitfull

Tue, 2018-04-03 20:26

 well done. a fruitfull weekrnd for you. bet the kids had fun as well. 


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

gdupagne's picture

Posts: 66

Date Joined: 01/11/12

Kids had a blast.

Wed, 2018-04-04 07:21

Kids had a blast.

Tom M's picture

Posts: 661

Date Joined: 22/09/15

 Way to spend the easter

Wed, 2018-04-04 07:59

 Way to spend the easter guys, well done.


Tom M

gdupagne's picture

Posts: 66

Date Joined: 01/11/12

Cheers Tom. Finally getting

Wed, 2018-04-04 10:17

Cheers Tom. Finally getting onto some fish.