Electrics Help
I have modified the trim switch on our inboard Volvo Penta. In the past I have replaced these switches with the genuine item but they are super expensive and only seem to last a few years. In addition I don't really like the genuine switch, as to lift the leg above a certain point you need to simultaneously press two buttons. From the photo you can see that joining the white and grey wires will make the motor go down, joining the white and brown wires will make the motor go up (to a point), after this point you need to join the white and brown together and then also the green and yellow together (Beach mode). The wiring is fairly simple the white (power) and the grey (down) and Brown (up) all go directly to the trim pump. The yellow and green however go to a series of relays.
What I have done is simply permanently joined the yellow and green wires. This has allowed me to use a simple toggle switch and the white, grey and brown wires to operate the trim. What I would like to know is does anyone know if joining these yellow and green wires permanently might cause an issue? When they are joined it activates both the relays that they are connected to. Im unsure if having them activated 100% of the time is likely to cause any problems? Would they be using power to stay open or closed or crossed over or whatever they do? Do you think they could be eliminated from the system altogether?
Posts: 107
Date Joined: 18/09/12
It shouldn't cause an issue,
It shouldn't cause an issue, its more of a safety feature incase you accidentally knock the switches and move the trim tabs. The only other thing i can see is it could possibly reduce the lifespan of the relays having them on all the time. But i wouldn't imagine so. You could always remove the relays and put a bridging wire over the switched power contacts and remove the relays all together.
Cheers Joel
Posts: 17
Date Joined: 23/03/12
Thanks so much for the reply.
Thanks so much for the reply. I was hoping that would be the case. Im tempted to join the wires and remove the relays altogether.
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 10/05/14
Isn't it just a mechanical
Isn't it just a mechanical protection thing to stop you raising the leg too far while in gear which would damage the uni's?
To lower the leg from beach you only pressed one button so I'm guessing the genuine install would activate both relays for lowering the leg?
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
That's my understanding too
That's my understanding too zoom. At the cost of Volvo parts I'm not keen to modify mine too much.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?