End of a trying year
Submitted by Faulkner Family on Wed, 2020-12-30 05:50
Now that 2020 is done with a very trying year for many what are people's plans and hope for 2021.
I hope that all the small business owners have pulled through ok and are on track bouncing back. I was very lucky being in the food transport business working in hedland it hasn't affected me apart from being away from Sandy so much.
Got 1 trip locked in to coral bay and another just about sorted as a surprise for Sandy.
All the best to all in the new year and hope everything goes well for everyone and may 2021 be a much better
RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together
Posts: 9513
Date Joined: 10/02/07
Be glad to see the back of it Russ.
going for a fish tonight, waiting to get back in the ocean as well
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Silver Fox
Posts: 1118
Date Joined: 19/06/14
It’s been interesting for sure.
2020 was a good one in my books, a little more challenging than usual but hey an easy life is a boring one. Just goes to show how adaptable we can be when we have to be. I've said goodbye to my safety net in Carnarvon and I'm currently waiting in Cairns for next Friday to start a new and exciting chapter of my life on Thursday Island for the next three ( hopefully six...:) years. All the best to everyone out there for 2021. I dare you to get out of your comfort zone and do something different, doesn't have to be bat shit crazy different just different!.
My wife understands why I clean my rods n reels in the shower....
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
Strange year for sure
Glad you guys were getting by ok.
Personally I was busier than normal- probably should have milked it like some and made myself 30% quieter but was the opposite!
2021 is going to see a building boom like we havnt had for quiet some time with record sales for most of the cottage builders in 2020.
It got to the point where land was hard to get in the new outer suburbs.
Battern the hatches come end of March I'm told..
Problem now is trying to find keen workers as it seems people are happy at home getting more than ever for sitting on their behinds..
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Posts: 2632
Date Joined: 03/03/09
Yup, what a year.
Two cancelled overseas trips but the house is now fully painted, new solar panels and the garden looking great. I don't know that 2021 will be much better but here's hoping. All the best to all on this site for the coming year, above all else stay healthy.
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Date Joined: 24/07/07
Coming down to the big smoke for a Pet scan early on in January, then doing a go anywhere driving holiday for a couple of weeks while waiting on the results with fingers crossed.
Not planning too far ahead until get the resuts, so who know?
Posts: 2492
Date Joined: 08/09/16
2020 was a strange year
2020 was a strange year indeed! Only upside was I bought a boat again and I think I got good value based on current asking prices!
Just winging it for 2021. Wife turns 50, daughter turns 21, no holidays planned except Broome in July (bloody spring tides too!). Plan to use the boat a lot and just enjoy life!
Hope you all have a bloody ripper 2021!
PGFC member and lure tragic
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Date Joined: 30/12/09
its been pretty ordinary for
its been pretty ordinary for me. i broke my leg in february and then the family had to put up with me sitting around the house for 4 weeks. after 4 weeks i couldnt handle been stuck on the couch. then our trip to Vietnam to watch the Vietnam grand prix was cancelled due to covid. we havent had a holiday for a few years. (we did actually go to bali last christmas for family reasons but i call that torture rather than a holiday). Then once covid settled down here worked just picked up and was flat out right through to christmas with the odd day off here and there.
Driving home the truck and trailer home from karratha and the son rings up and informs that there will be no power on when i get home. No probs assuming that it was just a Western Power fault. No it couldnt have been as simple as that, it was a burst hot water pipe up stairs which appears to have been running for 10-12 hours. upstairs and down stairs flooded. House was deemed unsuitable and unsafe to live in, so the insurance had to find us temporary accommodation. due to Covid accommoation was very imited. We were staying at the Mandurah Quays apartments for 5 days then got relocated to North Port canals for 2 weeks. unsure where we will go next as we are still waitng for structual engineer to go to the house to have a look at hte damage. so 2020 will continue on into 2021 for me.
Get busy living, or get busy dying!
Posts: 2492
Date Joined: 08/09/16
Sounds like a pretty average
Sounds like a pretty average year for you Ezy. Hope this one is much better.
I had a gym-induced shoulder reconstruction in December and have been at home for 4 weeks now. Safe to say everyone is over that!
PGFC member and lure tragic