Establishment of Lure collecting club - The Kadaitcha Club

Establishment of Lure collecting club - The Kadaitcha Club

Hello all and welcome to an exciting new venture.

After many years of being asked, the time has come to establish an Australian based lure (and other tackle) collecting club.

The whole thing will kick off with a meeting in Adelaide at the Meridian Hotel at 7:30 pm on Sunday November 30.  

The formation meeting will be in Adelaide because there is a strong interest from a number of South Australians through a complementary web site

I will be giving a short presentation on lure collecting before opening up to discussions on establishing the Kadaitcha Club. I have personally paid for the room - there will be gold coin admission that will go to the Childhood Cancer Association which is the charity for the lureandmore site.

The name reflects what to many (and especially to me) is the archtypical and definitive Australian lure - made by Peter Newell. Peter is currently very unwell but is happy to allow the use of the name for this club. I thank Peter and his family for this.

I am shortly travelling to the United States where I will meet with a number of prominent authors and lure collectors and discuss the ideal set up for an Australian club. It will be inclusive, it will not require membership of the club to gain entry to any show. It will offer limited edition lures, made by Australian makers to members, individually numbered with your membership number.

It will almost certainly have a capped membership to allow for easier administration, so getting in early has an advantage (don't worry I am thinking about 1000 which will take a while to achieve - we are at zero now).

More details will be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks. So if you don't HAVE to get out for the opening of the snapper season in South Australia and want to hear a bit more about lures (and maybe get your books signed), then plan to be in Adelaide on 30 November!

I know that there are a number of interested Western Australians, please let me know if you are interested in this venture.

Possible costs for membership.

Ok time to talk about the diffiuclt topic - cost.

How does this sound - $50 per year.

Ok I hope that hasn't put most of you completely off....

What you will get -

• A unique colour Custom Crafted Hammerhead lure with your membership number.

• A Kadaitcha club cloth badge to wear or collect - will have Foundation member for those who join in the first two months of existence.

• 4 newsletters a year sent to you (written by members et al).

• Access to the members area of a new website - (linked back to this site of course) - Have already reserved for this.

• Free entry to any show run by the club - aiming for one per year to start.

• The ability to display and/or sell at any kadaitcha club event.

• Access to club expertise including one free lure valuation and certificate per year at an event.

In future years would like to continue offering lures and patches featuring unique Australian lures.

Posted at request of Frank Prokop. PM or email me and I will pass on any messages.



Beavering away in the background.......

Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Or maybe look at the pretty

Fri, 2008-10-10 00:00

Or maybe look at the pretty and some VERY valuable lures on rainy, windy days and cold nights, as well as go fishing when the weather's OK.

Oh and there's closed seasons for some species eg freshwater, during which people prepare their lures/collection etc for the opening.

Beavering away in the background.......




Posts: 489

Date Joined: 11/08/05

Establishment of Lure collecting club - Kadaitcha

Tue, 2009-03-10 14:47

Foundation memberships will be available until about the middle of April.

Incredible but true - the Kadaitcha Club bank account has now been established!!

After going through more hoops than anyone can imagine we have an account. Now just need to get a Tax File Number and we will have the administrative details in place.

So -

Account - Kadaitcha Club

Bank - Commonwealth

Branch - Karrinyup WA

BSB 066157

Acct 10290752

If you do make the transfer can you also send the membership form by email to me at . Membership form below or can be downloaded from Remember that you can choose up to three preferred numbers - with 83 currently the lowest available. Note that I will not allocate numbers above 200 at the moment.

So those who have been waiting for the bank details to be finalised - it is here.

Thanks to Andrew Matthews for a lot of work as treasurer.


We have sent out a job description to get designs for the logo and lure backing sheet.

Steve Kovacs has started work on the lures and they are a couple of weeks away (want to line up with the logo finalisation).

We have started work on the first newsletter.

Jamie Flett of Mudeye is working on a new design especially for the 2010 member's lure so we are moving forward.

So - what you get if you join.   A limited edition Custom Crafted Hammerhead lure in exclusive colour and with your membership number on it. Cloth badge with logo - foundation member if join before 15 April. You will get hopefully four newsletters - hard copies only available to members. Working on other special offers only for members, including tackling the difficult question of insurance for collections. Would love to have everyone on Board!!  


Kadaitcha Club Membership Application

The Kadaitcha Club annual membership year runs from January 1st through December 31st

Foundation  Member (before 15 April 2009): ______   or

Ordinary Member: ___________

Membership Fee Paid:

$50.00 Aus resident  ____      $75.00 (Aus.) International ____

Fill out the application below and mail it with your payment (Check or Money Order preferred) made payable to the Kadaitcha Club:

Andrew Matthews – Kadaitcha Club


c/o PO Box 34

North Beach, WA 6920




CITY:_____________________   STATE:_____    POST CODE: __________



EMAIL (27 characters maximum):


Preferred membership number (up to 3)____________________________

CLASSIFY YOUR INTEREST IN Collecting tackle (Check all that apply)

General Collector

Australian only

Colours or models


Early Lures


WHAT DO YOU COLLECT? _______________________________________

Frank Prokop



Recfishwest - Thanking each and every new member for their support!

Posted at request of Frank Prokop. PM or email me and I will pass on any messages.



Beavering away in the background.......