evinrude starting problem

every time i try to take my boat out i have problems with it starting up first thing but once she is goin its good i can stop and fish for a couple off hours and it will fire up no worries.

its 85, 50 hp 2 stroke. i have started using some start you bastard and it work good but i look like abit off a clown every time i launch my boat lift the engine cover and spray the shit in there.

any help would be appreciated thanks just advice or shit  to check


tryin to catch the big one

hlokk's picture

Posts: 4293

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Now, I know stuff all about

Thu, 2010-08-12 23:47

Now, I know stuff all about outboards, so in the beginning learning process myself. I think it may be due to your engine being cold when starting (still warm after a few hrs drifiting though). I was told to give it two pulls (or turns) then if it doesnt work, two with the choke pulled and it should start (but put choke back after 2 so you dont flood it). As far as I understand, if you start it without it being started in a while (like the morning), it might need some choke. Would be good to confirm that though (as i'm a newb).

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Yeh i reckon your about , if

Thu, 2010-08-12 23:51

Yeh i reckon your about , if its damn cold man it will be a bit of a prick to start , just like most fisherman on a bloody freezing morning haha , i usually pump the throttle and leave the choke up a tad keep the revs up when you first start it . otherwise at cold it will just conk out .  cheers


living is fishing

iana's picture

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Date Joined: 21/09/09

A suggestion.

Fri, 2010-08-13 05:23

Have you checked the priming bulb. Doe's it pump up tight. Sounds to me a bit like a fuel priming problem. If at all suspect, a new bulb may help (put in the right way around).

jdog1980's picture

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Avoid at all costs

Fri, 2010-08-13 06:08

Avoid at all cost using any starting aids on any engine. Products like this are like heroin to engines and once addicted they will never start again without it and you will need more and more. I come from a mechanical background and have seen it destroy good engines.

I would be more of same thought as Iana, doesnt sound like you are getting fuel to it initially either by priming bulb or the engine not creating enough vacuum.

wide open's picture

Posts: 444

Date Joined: 24/12/09

1st of all make sure the priming bulb works ok

Fri, 2010-08-13 12:30

its normal for a engine especcialy a carb 2 stroke to be a bit of a pain to start cold.


maybe a compression test would be a good idea to see how well the engines internals are doing if its got a bad reading that is very likely to be the casue of its hard starting


when did it start getting hard to start?


our 2008 30hp mariner is "hard" to start cold, because we barely use it, havent changed fuel in a year so it of course it will be hard to start cold

to get our started we use full choke to start with, if it doesnt start in a couple crank, half choke for a bit and it will normally fire up and we normally have to give it some revs


after that no choke


maybe a service including, spark plugs, fuel filter(pretty sure yours has one?), new fuel would help it out a bit















Lamby's picture

Posts: 3145

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To me it sounds like your

Fri, 2010-08-13 15:56

To me it sounds like your carbys if the above pointers have been followed with fuel lines, primer bulb etc. When was the last time you took the carby's out and cleaned them of the carbon build up? Starting aids are only going to strip the internal components of the lubrication from the oil, its a fast track to a new outboard.

solly's picture

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Start it at home first

Fri, 2010-08-13 17:36

I used to have a old 50 merc that did the same thing.I did everything possible to get it going first start but it would not play the game so I would start it at home first before getting to the ramp.Made it a very reliable beast after that but agree that you should not use any starting aids on engines.



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thanks guys

Fri, 2010-08-13 20:09

yeh its usuall on those cold mornings its a prick ive only had the boat just under a year so just tryin to get the right combo trick to starting it. yeh ive changed the plugs no differance and the fuel primer pumps up rock hard. but once i does eventually  fire it pumps out the smoke i guess its over fueling. usually to early in the mornings to fire it before i go  out dont want to upset the misses or neighbours. will try a comp test this weekend see how i go what should the pressure be roughly. might have to see if i can get some carby rebuild kits for it.


thanks again guys for the advice


tryin to catch the big one

iana's picture

Posts: 652

Date Joined: 21/09/09

Something to try.

Fri, 2010-08-13 20:43

My 2 stroke Yamaha was a bit hard to start first off (cold), I now all ways do the first start with the lever that controls the revs when the motor is in neutral at least 2/3 open (with choke). Now always starts OK.

Be-ready to pull back the revs when it fires.

wide open's picture

Posts: 444

Date Joined: 24/12/09


Fri, 2010-08-13 21:31

givin it some revs when starting (MAKE SURE ITS IN NEUTRAL!!!) works for alot engines so try it


if it doesnt start with it revved after a while i normally just put it back normally and it will fire up

fisho-ron's picture

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i have a freind that has got

Fri, 2010-08-13 22:09

i have a freind that has got an old 140 evinrude that dose exactly what you are saying.

once going it flys along all day no probs, but getting it started the first time..... .f$#%$##$#$$.

he has had a few people look at it with no help.

the latest is that the throttle linkages are worn and they are not in tune so to speak with the forward timing....more#$^%&%#**&%#. but thats what they say.

compression come up exellent on all cylinders.(5psi less than new)

new plugs

new fuel and filters, inc the primer bulb.

have had the carbs apart twice buy 2 differant mech. not much in there to go wrong.

tuned by 2 mech, but when its going all is good.

they need to keep it for a few days themselves.


but i know the solution to yours and his problem............


 buy a etec....problem solved.


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Fri, 2010-08-13 22:49

no shit would love a new 4 stroke on the back off it but i would cost me more than the boat did. one day one day. might have to try the fulll revs thing its 2 stroke it will love it 


tryin to catch the big one

Cammos's picture

Posts: 606

Date Joined: 30/06/09

Yeah, my Yamaha 2 stroke

Fri, 2010-08-13 22:57

Yeah, my Yamaha 2 stroke takes a little on the throttle for cold starts. Think its pretty standard.

wide open's picture

Posts: 444

Date Joined: 24/12/09

how long does it take to start if

Sat, 2010-08-14 23:02

u dont use start ya bastard?


does it just keep cranking until it runs the battery flat?


this is just a thought but on my grandfatherit was fergerson tractor was always hard to start cold due to the starter motor being worn out/weak, so we put a new starter motor in and it would start much much better and easier, just that little bit more cranking speed helped it heaps





sunshine's picture

Posts: 2630

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Use premium fuel

Sun, 2010-08-15 16:46

It runs better and starts much easier

wide open's picture

Posts: 444

Date Joined: 24/12/09

if the engine isnt

Sun, 2010-08-15 17:16

designed for premium it shouldnt run any better


but u never know haha

whaler73's picture

Posts: 29

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hold the choke

Sun, 2010-08-15 21:47

just lift the warm up lever and hold the choke on until it starts and dont worry about the smoke its normal for all evinrude and johnson old 2 stroke outboards you aint going to flood it after it clears all the oil from the vro it will fire up and smoke like a bitch for a while then off ya go ahhhh the smell of 2 stroke (you can shove ya gutless 4strokes where the sun dont shine)
