Exmouth Fishing Report - 22nd March
Fishing Report 10 – 22nd March’06 - Courtesy of Scott Forbes - EGFC
[img_assist|fid=17793|thumb=0|alt=Gamex Marlin]
Everything’s has been steaming lately with all the recent rain and the humidity, lots of various fishing with the marlin absolutely firing. Other pelagics have also been firing despite the fact that the full moon is shining high. Usually the full moon is a slow time for fishing, but this latest phase has certainly changed the views of some anglers. Team “Waverider” from Broome, here for the tournament, did a few trial days out on the water west of the lighthouse and the Muiron Islands and consequently tagged 11 fish in three days. Most of these were small black marlin and one large girl estimated at 200kg also fell to a lure and was tagged and released.
The Knots and Rigging Session at the Yacht club had about 35 people show up for some tips on tournament tactics and information on tagging fish and other aspects of GAMEX. The session was very useful for some newcomers to the club and the Exmouth Game Fishing Club would like to thank the Yacht club for the venue and Matt Gates for his input.
Visitors to the area Troy and Julia Utan from Perth have been fishing in their Haines Signature boat off Tantabiddi for the last two weeks. They have had up to ten shots a day on various sized marlin, hooking some, dropping some and tagging at least two each day that they have tried for marlin. The two said to us that it was “the best two weeks of their life” and they can’t wait to return.
Learmonth has been teaming with baitschools of late, with queenfish, mackerel and trevally coming in for a feed. The occasional squid has also been showing up, particularly on the high tide.
Don’t forget that Friday night the auction for the EGFC numberplates starts at 8pm. The club would like to thank Gino Garbellini for his help with this auction. The debrief from the tournament is on at the Potshot gantry on Saturday morning at 10am and all input is welcome for comments on this years’ event and suggestions for 2007.
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