Exmouth Reports - Gamex Week
Submitted by Adam Gallash on Sat, 2006-03-18 17:09
Well, Gribbo's up at Exmouth for Gamex, hopefully we will hear some reports over the week of how they have been going.
Gully also went up to Exmouth for the 2 weeks, not fishing the competition. They got in at 10am today, were in the water by 1.30pm and landed a black marlin and a sailfish already. Looks like theres going to be some awesome photos coming in over the next few weeks.
More reports to come.
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I've got mate up there
I've got mate up there fishing gamex too Adam, I havn't heard from him yet as to how he's getting on, but i'll be sure to post up results here when i hear something....
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Yeh, so I hear deefa.. Took me a little while to catch on until Gribbo told me last week who you were mates with. :))
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ahhhhhh, so the secrets out
ahhhhhh, so the secrets out then.......;-)
Actually Adam, i'm surprised your not up there fishing with Gribbo...?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
More Exxy
Spoke to gully tonight and they've been landing some serious bottom fish and also got into sailfish and marlin action. Apparently theres some underwater footage of the sail being landed as well as on-boat camera work. As well as a few magic photos. Sounds like theres going to be some serious videos coming soon!
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Thats good to hear 'bout the
Thats good to hear 'bout the video, can't wait to see it....!!!
Also good news on the bottom fishies huh, nothing beats eating fresh, "up north", red, bottom dwelling fish.........mmmmmmmm
My bud was up there a couple of weeks ago fishing aboard another guys kevla cat, and they "discovered" some new ground, which was very productive(so the stories go anyway), can't wait to get up there in July...... counting the days...
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
When you headed up in July Deefa? We are going the 2nd to the 13th.
Cant wait to see the video either, by the sounds of how stoked they were its gonna be some goooood stuff!
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We're heading up for the
We're heading up for the last week of July, through to the first week in August, 15 days of pure fishing, plus travelling time......
I'm still waiting to hear from Rysie, so once i do, i'll let ya's know how his team is getting on... ;-)
The vid's do sound interesting, were they taken by Gully/Gribbo??
Will they be accessible to us mere mortals?
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Exxy Vids
Yeh. They certainly will be, well it sounds like Gully's pretty keen to do some editing and share them about with the rest of us.
Gribbo is up there with Adzy and is in another boat all together, not sure if they have bumped into each other considering they haven't met yet. Sure the fishwrecked shirts will help em out with that dilemma. :)
I'm sure Gribbo will have some of his own footage and photos to share when he gets back. So we are going to be innundated with Exmouth videos, its sure going to be torture when our trips are still 3 months away and these blokes come back with smiles from ear to ear.
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I reckon your on the money
I reckon your on the money there Adam, they're gonna be intolerable with their stories, and time will go even slower............ :-(
Sorry mate, i just assumed you guys all knew/fished together....
You know what they sat about making assumptions though...
Looking forward to looking at the pics, watchin the vid's, & hearing the stories... AND THEY'VE STILL GOT 4 DAYS, the mongrels
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Nope, Gully is someone I met through the website and been out fishing with a couple of times. Probably one of the best things that this website has done is create a few new good friendships. You atleast know that anyone that is here - is here for the same reasons, the fishing! :)
I know what you mean about intolerable.. Its going to be getting rubbed in big time.. atleast we got a few dolphinfish the other day to give a little back with, but I'm pretty sure its going to pale in comparison.
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At least YOU got some
At least YOU got some dollies, i've been getting doughnuts....
(other than small stuff outta my dinghy, even got out fished by a newbie fisho mate of mine on the weekend, using my own bloody gear.... not happy jan)
I'm still waiting for my 1st dollie..... if ever ya need some ballast when ya head out, give me hoy mate, happy to chip in/pay for what ever.........(hint hint)