Famous Shark and Kayak photo

We've all seen the photo, and we've all questioned its legitimacy. Heres the "true" story from the photographer. What do you guys reckon now? The site/story sounds legit. I'll admit I thought it was a fake until I read the story.. http://www.thomaspeschak.com/kayak-great-white-sharks-/


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snappermiles's picture

Posts: 2100

Date Joined: 05/11/10

well il be

Tue, 2013-01-15 06:36

thats some crazy stuff attracting sharks on a kayak!!



snapper_seeker's picture

Posts: 172

Date Joined: 24/04/12

 Seems legitament, I never

Tue, 2013-01-15 06:38

 Seems legitament, I never thought it was real but now I do. If it is not they have made a pretty good story to hide its fakeness haha

Markie's picture

Posts: 2154

Date Joined: 06/08/10

I believe. They dive with

Tue, 2013-01-15 07:13

I believe. They dive with them so why is it hard to believe this.

Bruce's picture

Posts: 527

Date Joined: 11/04/12

 Thought it was an

Tue, 2013-01-15 07:16

 Thought it was an interesting shot before I followed the link, but now I understand the circumstances and think its credible. That is one fking huge shark though!

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

That other photo on his post

Tue, 2013-01-15 08:22

That other photo on his post is pretty badass aswell


opsrey's picture

Posts: 1200

Date Joined: 05/10/07

Is that a Fisheries officer in the kayak.

Tue, 2013-01-15 08:41

 Got the feeling that is what the comedy would have looked like at Egal Bay last week.  :) 

Posts: 211

Date Joined: 02/01/12

What do you think Brian

Tue, 2013-01-15 09:53

What do you think Brian Sierakowski would say about that, surely must be few tim tams short of a packet

Justin M's picture

Posts: 1207

Date Joined: 14/01/13

Hope old mate in the kayak

Tue, 2013-01-15 19:26

Hope old mate in the kayak had a spare pair of grundies back on shore...that is bloody huge!